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Ontogenetic and seasonal development of wax composition and cuticular transpiration of ivy (Hedera helix L.) sun and shade leaves
Authors:Verena Hauke  Lukas Schreiber
Affiliation:Julius-von-Sachs-Institut für Biowissenschaften, Lehrstuhl für Botanik II, Universit?t Würzburg, Julius-von-Sachs-Platz 3, D-97082 Würzburg, Germany, DE
Abstract:The ontogenetic and seasonal development of wax composition and cuticular transpiration of sun and shade leaves of ivy (Hedera helix L.) was analysed by investigating leaves varying in age between 4 and 202 d. It was discovered that the total amount of solvent-extractable wax was composed of two distinct fractions, separable by column chromatography: (i) a less polar or apolar monomeric wax fraction consisting of the typical linear, long-chain aliphatics usually described as cuticular wax components and (ii) a polar, oligomeric wax fraction consisting of primary alcohols and acids mostly esterified to C12-, C14- and C16-ω-hydroxyfatty acids. The apolar wax fraction, which could be analysed directly by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), exhibited pronounced seasonal changes in composition. Wax amounts in the apolar fraction reached a maximum after about 30 d and gradually decreased again during the remaining period of the season investigated. In contrast, the polar wax fraction, which was analysable by GC-MS only after transesterification, rapidly increased early in the season, reaching a plateau after 40 d, and then remained constant during the rest of the season. Thus, total amounts of solvent-extractable cuticular waxes, which can be determined gravimetrically, will only be detected by GC-MS after fractionation and transesterification, a methodological approach rarely applied in the past in cuticular wax analysis. Additionally, investigation of the cutin polymer matrix after depolymerisation through transesterification, revealed that only those primary alcohols and acids forming an essential part of the apolar and the polar wax fractions were esterified during the investigated season and incorporated in increasing amounts into the cutin polymer matrix (matrix-bound wax fraction). Thus, it can be concluded that a complete analysis of cuticular wax of ivy and its seasonal development can only be achieved if all the relevant fractions (i) the less polar or apolar, (ii) the polar and (iii) the wax fraction bound to the cutin polymer matrix are investigated. Cuticular transpiration rapidly decreased within the first 30 d and essentially remained constant during the rest of the season. Thus, changes in cuticular water permeability were closely correlated with the most prominent changes in wax amounts and composition occurring during the first 30 d of ontogenetic leaf development. However, during the remainder of the year, up to 202 d, cuticular transport properties remained constant, although significant quantitative and qualitative changes in cuticular wax composition continued to occur. Thus, our study clearly demonstrated that there will be no simple relationship between chemical composition of cuticular waxes and transport properties of isolated ivy leaf cuticles. Received: 2 March 1998 / Accepted: 26 June 1998
Keywords:: Cuticle (transpiration  waxes)  Hedera  Transpiration (cuticular)  Water permeance  Wax (cuticular)
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