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Surface enzymes in cultured fibroblasts from cystic fibrosis patients.
Authors:J B Ward  B H Bowman
Abstract:Membrane function was examined in cultured cells from cystic fibrosis patients by assaying several enzymes on intact skin fibroblasts attached to culture dishes. This technique required few cells and minimized disruption of cellular organization. Comparison of enzyme activities of intact and broken cells showed that 12% of total glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, a cytoplasmic enzyme, was measurable using intact cells, while all adenosine monophosphatase was measurable using intact cells. Alkaline paranitrophenylphosphatase activity was divided between the cell surface and interior. Substrate competition experiments indicated that substrate specificities for adenosine monophosphatase and paranitrophenylphosphatase activities were different. Adenosine monophosphatase activities of 2 control and 2 cystic fibrosis strains fluctuated similarly during the cell culture cycle. The apparent Km values relative to adenosine monophosphate were similar in all strains. A chromatographic fraction of serum from a cystic fibrosis patient that was inhibitory to oyster ciliary activity had no effect on adenosine monophosphatase activity of normal fibroblasts. Furthermore, fractions of media from cystic fibrosis homozygote and heterozygote fibroblast cultures were not inhibitory to adenosine monophosphatase activities of intact normal fibroblasts or of part iculate fractions prepared from them. In light of previous studies that showed that factors from cystic fibrosis serum of culture medium disrupted specific membrane activities, it is proposed that the cystic fibrosis factor interacts with the plasma membrane, interfering most conspicuously with the protein functions that are sensitive to changes in their membrane environment.
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