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The role of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) in the increase in apparent particle stickiness ({alpha}) during the decline of a diatom bloom
Authors:Engel   Anja
Affiliation:Institut für Meereskunde, D-24105 Kiel, Germany
Abstract:The termination of diatom spring blooms in temperate watershas been connected with the formation and subsequent rapid sedimentationof aggregates. According to coagulation theory, the rate ofaggregate formation depends on the probability of particle collisionand on the efficiency with which two particles adhere once theyhave collided (stickiness). During this study, the variationin particle stickiness was determined over the decline of adiatom bloom using the Couette Chamber assay with low shear(G = 0.86 s–1). A mixed diatom population, dominated bySkeletonema costatum, was sampled during the spring bloom inthe Baltic Sea and incubated in the laboratory for 18 days.Measurements of diatom species composition, transparent exopolymerparticles (TEP) and bulk particle abundance, as well as chemicaland biological variables, were conducted in order to revealthe determinants of coagulation efficiency. The investigationshowed that an increase in TEP concentration relative to conventionalparticles at the decline of the bloom significantly enhancedapparent coagulation efficiencies. High proportions of TEP ledto apparent values of stickiness >1, which indicates thatcollision rates can be substantially underestimated when thestickiness parameter
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