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Assessment of Rhodamine B for labelling the plague reservoir Rattus rattus in Madagascar
Authors:Soanandrasana Rahelinirina  Jean‐Marc Duplantier  Mamy Ratsimba  Jocelyn Ratovonjato  Olga Ramilijaona  Yves Papillon  Lila Rahalison
Affiliation:1. Institut Pasteur de Madagascar, B.P. 1274 Antananarivo 101, Madagascar;2. IRD, Centre de Biologie et de Gestion des Populations, UMR (IRD/INRA/CIRAD/Montpellier‐ SupAgro), Campus de Baillarguet, CS 30016, 34988 Montferrier sur Lez Cedex, France;3. University of Antananarivo, Faculty of Sciences, Animal Biology Department, B.P. 906 Antananarivo 101, Madagascar
Abstract:The black rat is the main plague reservoir in rural foci in Madagascar, inside the villages as well as in the cultivated areas around. We have evaluated the potentialities of mass‐marking of rats, using baits containing Rhodamine B (RB) in order to get a tool to study the movements of rats and to understand the spread of plague. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that: (i) rats were more attracted by the rodent granules and peanut butter; (ii) incorporation of RB in baits did not reduce their appetence; (iii) RB lasted for 60 days in rat vibrissae and 180 days in rat hairs; and (iv) consumption of baits during a week was under the lethal dose. Field tests have been realized comparatively among 24 highland villages where plague is endemic, in different contexts: baits inside houses or around the village, baits with and without RB, rats captured 1, 2 and 3 months after the marking. No negative effect of the RB on population dynamics of rats or fleas on them was observed. The effectiveness of the marking was comparable between males and females. This technique of collective marking appears very valuable for monitoring rat movements in plague foci.
Keywords:Madagascar  mass‐marking  plague  Rattus rattus  Rhodamine B
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