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High resilience of Mediterranean land snail communities to wildfires
Authors:Laurence Kiss  Frédéric Magnin
Affiliation:(1) Institut Méditerranéen d’Ecologie et de Paléoécologie, U.M.R. 6116 du C.N.R.S., Batiment Villemin, Domaine du Petit Arbois, Avenue Louis Philibert, BP 80, Cerege 13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 04
Abstract:In the Mediterranean region, wildfires have devastating effects on animals with limited mobility. With their poor dispersal abilities, their habitats on vegetation and in litter, and their sensitivity to humidity and shade, we expected land snails to be an interesting model to assess short, medium and long-term impact of fires on fauna biodiversity and their resilience. Stratified sampling was carried out on 12 sampling sites in garrigues and forests of Provence (southeastern France), according to fire regime (number of fires, fire intervals and age of the last fire) over the past 30 years. Data were investigated using diversity indexes, Kruskal–Wallis test, dendrogram of affinities and Correspondence Analysis (CA). We found, however, that Mediterranean land snail communities are particularly resilient to fires. Although abundance is drastically reduced in the short-term, species richness and community diversity are preserved provided that the time lapse between two successive fires is longer than the time required for recovery (i.e. around 5 years). This high community resilience in the short-term may be partly due to ecological and ethological aptitudes of land snails. However, these astonishing results, which have implications for conservation biology, are mainly due to the presence, within burned areas, of cryptic refuges that allow initial land snail survival, malacofauna persistence after successive fires and consistent biogeographical patterns in the long-term.
Keywords:Biodiversity  Land snails  Mediterranean ecosystems  Resilience  Wildfires
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