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Authors:Sam  Ridgway   Tricia  Kamolnick   Michelle  Reddy   Christine  Curry Raymond J.  Tarpley
Affiliation:Biosciences Division, Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center (NCCOSC), RDTE DIV 5107B, San Diego, California 92152, U.S.A.;Department of Veterinary Anatomy &Public Health, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, U.S.A.
Abstract:Two non-lactating, non-gravid female bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus , (SLA, age 32 yr and TOD, age 34 yr) began lactating within one week after being housed with a 6.5- and 6.75-month-old orphaned calf, respectively. Cooperative swimming and nursing behaviors were quickly evident in both cow/ calf pairs. During the first 2.5 mo a milk substitute, eventually in combination with some whole fish, was used to supplement nursing in both calves. After this initial period, supplemental feeding was discontinued. SLA then became her adopted calf s sole source of nutrition for the next 5 mo, followed by another 6 mo during which the calf shifted to a predominantly fish diet with occasional nursing. TOD's orphan also continued to nurse beyond the 2.5-mo supplementation period and began voluntarily accepting small quantities of fish, suckling continued over the next year while fish consumption increased. Using a modified human breast pump, trainers collected milk at intervals from the adult dolphins throughout the lactation period. The first milk collected from TOD (day 8 after housing with calf) and SLA (day 12 with her calf) contained 6.0% and 10.3% fat, respectively. On day 68 TOD's milk fat had increased to 23.5%, and on day 37 that of SLA measured 22.5%. These later values are similar to those reported for normally lactating bottlenose dolphins.
Keywords:bottlenose dolphin    Tursiops truncatus    milk    lactation    relactation    induced lactation    nursing    orphan
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