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Morphology and development of the female flowers in Geonoma interrupta (Arecaceae)
Authors:Stauffer Fred W  Rutishauser Rolf  Endress Peter K
Affiliation:Institute of Systematic Botany, University of Zurich, Zollikerstrasse 107, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland.
Abstract:Morphology and development of the female flowers in Geonoma interrupta are described and compared with other taxa within Arecaceae. Inflorescences are pleiothyrses. Cincinni are immersed in pits and arranged according to the Fibonacci pattern along the rachillae. The gynoecium is composed of three free carpels in early stages and later becomes pseudomonomerous. Two carpels are sterile; they develop to different degrees and are commonly unequal in size. The fertile carpel contains a single, crassinucellate, anatropous ovule. Styles are formed in each carpel. The style of the fertile carpel becomes basifixed as the ovary enlarges. The stigmas remain free and plicate during development and expose unicellular papillae at anthesis. Pollen tube transmitting tracts and a compitum are present in the ventral slits of the stigmas and the postgenitally united styles during anthesis. A septal nectary is formed by incomplete union of the flanks of the carpels at the base of the gynoecium, and nectar is secreted from an epithelium. It is suggested that in Geonoma as a whole, the attraction of pollinators to female flowers is due to a combination of nectar reward and partial mimicry of male flowers.
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