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Overlapping signals in banded wrens: long-term effects of prior experience on males and females
Authors:Hall, Michelle L.   Illes, Anya   Vehrencamp, Sandra L.
Affiliation:Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA
Abstract:We tested the signal value of song overlapping in banded wrens(Thryothorus pleurostictus), using interactive playback to eitheroverlap or alternate with their songs. Males shortened songduration and decreased variability in song length when theirsongs were overlapped by playback, suggesting that they wereattempting to avoid being overlapped and perhaps being lessaggressive. A novel finding was an effect of long-term priorexperience: song lengths remained relatively short in alternatingtrials that followed two or more days after overlapping trials.Approach responses to the two treatments did not differ overall,but there was a parallel effect of prior experience: males tendedto stay further from the speaker during alternating treatmentsif they had previously been overlapped by playback. Some femalespaired to the male subjects sang in response to playback andwere also influenced by prior experience, singing more duringalternating trials that had not been preceded by an overlappingtrial. Male overlappers may signal dominance over a rival toother male or female receivers in a communication network, butit is currently unclear whether overlapping indicates motivationto escalate an aggressive interaction or whether this singingstrategy is related to male quality. Banded wrens are long livedand maintain year-round territories, so modifying responsesto rivals based on prior experience is likely to be importantfor success.
Keywords:communication networks   interactive signals   female song   male quality   song overlap.
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