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The Frasnian-Famennian mass extinction: insights from high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy in South China
Authors:Daizhao Chen
Affiliation:a Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 9825, Beijing 100029, PR China
b Department of Geological Sciences, University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE, UK
Abstract:Two sequences (SFr, SFa), each 1-1.2 Myr in duration, are recognised in the strata across the Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) transition both in carbonate platform and interplatform basinal successions in South China. The sequence boundary between the two sequences is placed a little below the top of the Frasnian. The sequences are basically composed of coarsening-upward/bed-thickness increasing-upward cycles and shallowing-upward cycles (parasequences) in basinal and platform deposits respectively, which stack into cycle-sets (typically six to eight cycles). 10 and 12 cycle-sets are identified in sequences SFr and SFa respectively. These cycle-sets can be further grouped into larger-scale composite cycle-sets (herein termed mesocycle- and megacycle-sets with two and four cycle-sets respectively). This vertical cycle-stacking pattern and the hierarchy of cyclicity suggest a Milankovitch style of forcing such that the cycles and cycle-sets were formed in response to the orbital perturbations of precession (16-18 kyr) and eccentricity (∼100 kyr in duration), respectively. In the basinal cycles, smaller-scale rhythmic stratification beds (typically six to eight beds in a cycle) are extensive, and were likely caused by millennial-scale climatic forcing. In the lower sequence, SFr, the latest highstand deposits consist of calciturbidites and debrites in deep-water strata and fenestral limestones in shallow-water strata, representing a major (third-order) sea-level fall. Within these deposits, four cycle-sets are further identified in both coeval deep-water and platform successions. Succeeding deeper-water organic-rich facies, within which three cycles occur, are the transgressive deposits of the overlying Famennian sequence (SFa). These cycles represent three higher-frequency (16-18 kyr) sea-level fluctuations and accompanying anoxia, superimposed on a major third-order sea-level rise. The F-F boundary is placed at the top of the first cycle, based on conodont data. Thus, a major sea-level fall and then a rise occurred in the F-F transitional period. Faunal and sedimentological data reveal a massive biotic decline in concert with the major sea-level fall, and a further biotic demise coinciding with the major sea-level rise and its three superimposed higher-frequency sea-level fluctuations and accompanying anoxia. The F-F biotic crisis was therefore characterised by two episodes of step-down extinction. On the basis of Milankovitch orbital rhythms, the first major biotic extinction took place over ∼400 kyr, and the subsequent event was ∼50 kyr in duration, i.e. ∼450 kyr for the entire event. At the same time as the massive decline of normal-marine fossils during the latest Frasnian sea-level fall, there was widespread cyanobacterial growth and a thriving of planktonic calcispheres, suggesting eutrophic conditions. This situation could have caused a severe biotic loss, as a result of the deterioration of surface water clarity and formation of anoxic bottom waters due to over-consumption of oxygen through respiratory demands and decomposition by the cyanobacteria and phytoplankton. The subsequent rapid sea-level rise with superimposed higher-frequency sea-level fluctuations and accompanying anoxia could have caused rapid elevation of anoxic bottom waters and expansion of eutrophic surface waters over shallow-water platforms due to enhanced upwelling ocean currents and improved ocean circulation. This situation would have exerted further stresses upon the already-weakened biota, leading to a further biotic demise. However, a small number of organisms such as pelagic tentaculitids, small mud-adapted brachiopods and gastropods did survive into the Famennian, although with very low diversity.
Keywords:Frasnian-Famennian event   mass extinction   sequence stratigraphy   cyclostratigraphy   orbital forcing   eustasy and eutrophication   Late Devonian   South China
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