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Volatile Fatty Acid Production by the Hindgut Microbiota of Xylophagous Termites
Authors:David A. Odelson and John A. Breznak
Abstract:Acetate dominated the extracellular pool of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in the hindgut fluid of Reticulitermes flavipes, Zootermopsis angusticollis, and Incisitermes schwarzi, where it occurred at concentrations of 57.9 to 80.6 mM and accounted for 94 to 98 mol% of all VFAs. Small amounts of C3 to C5 VFAs were also observed. Acetate was also the major VFA in hindgut homogenates of Schedorhinotermes lamanianus, Prorhinotermes simplex, Coptotermes formosanus, and Nasutitermes corniger. Estimates of in situ acetogenesis by the hindgut microbiota of R. flavipes (20.2 to 43.3 nmol · termite−1 · h−1) revealed that this activity could support 77 to 100% of the respiratory requirements of the termite (51.6 to 63.6 nmol of O2 · termite−1 · h−1). This conclusion was buttressed by the demonstration of acetate in R. flavipes hemolymph (at 9.0 to 11.6 mM), but not in feces, and by the ability of termite tissues to readily oxidize acetate to CO2. About 85% of the acetate produced by the hindgut microbiota was derived from cellulose C; the remainder was derived from hemicellulose C. Selective removal of major groups of microbes from the hindgut of R. flavipes indicated that protozoa were primarily responsible for acetogenesis but that bacteria also functioned in this capacity. H2 and CH4 were evolved by R. flavipes (usually about 0.4 nmol · termite−1 · h−1), but these compounds represented a minor fate of electrons derived from wood dissimilation within R. flavipes. A working model is proposed for symbiotic wood polysaccharide degradation in R. flavipes, and the possible roles of individual gut microbes, including CO2-reducing acetogenic bacteria, are discussed.
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