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引用本文:李万程. 岳鲤及其双亲(荷包红鲤♀、湘江野鲤♂)LDH同工酶的研究[J]. 遗传学报, 1988, 0(1)
作者单位:湖南生物研究所 长沙
摘    要:
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,结合CS910双波长扫描分析了岳鲤及其双亲(荷包红鲤♀、湘江野鲤♂)6种组织的乳酸脱氢酶同工酶(Lactate Dehydrogenase,LDH)。结果表明:岳鲤及其双亲的LDH同工酶均存在组织特异性;亲本之间LDH同工酶的差异主要表现在肝脏;亲本各组织的大多数LDH同工酶在F_1代得到表现;亲本及F_1代的LDH同工酶可能由基因位点AA′BB′共同控制。本文还讨论了LDH同工酶分析和杂交结果预测的关系。

关 键 词:电泳  LDH同工酶  杂种鱼

Study on LDH Isoenzymes of Hybrid Yue-carp and Its Parents
Li Wancheng. Study on LDH Isoenzymes of Hybrid Yue-carp and Its Parents[J]. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 1988, 0(1)
Authors:Li Wancheng
The polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis of the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzymes of F1 hybrid and its parents (Cyprinus rubrofuscus red var.Cyprinus carpio Xiang-jiang showed that 1).Both the F1 hybrid and its parents exhibited the tissue-specificity of LDH isoenzymes; 2).The difference of LDH isoenzymes between the maternal and the paternal were obvious in livers,and 3).The LDH isoenzymes of F1 hybrid and its parents were probably coded by gene loci AA'BB'.
Keywords:Electrophoresis  LDH isoenzymes  Carp hybridization
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