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Adipokinetic and hyperglycaemic factors of different insect species: Separation with high performance liquid chromatography
Authors:Gerd Gäde
Affiliation:Institut für Zoophysiologie der Universität Bonn, AVZI, Endenicher Allee 11-13, D-5300 Bonn 1, Federal Republic of Germany
Abstract:Corpus cardiacum extracts from the phasmids, Carausius morosus, Cuniculina impigra, Sipyloidea sipylus, Acrophylla wuelfingi, Eurycantha goliath, Bacillus rossius and Extatosoma tiaratum, from the Orthopterans, Locusta migratoria and Gryllus bimaculatus, from the Dictyopterans, Periplaneta americana, Gromphadorrhina coquereliana and Blaberus craniifer, from the Coleopterans Tenebrio molitor and Pachnoda sp., synthetic adipokinetic hormone and synthetic crustacean red pigment-concentrating hormone (RPCH) were injected into locusts, cockroaches and ligated stick insects as bioassay systems for adipokinetic and hyperglycaemic substances, respectively. The locust and cockroach bioassay gave positive results with all corpus cardiacum material tested (however the lipid response in locusts upon injection of T. molitor corpus cardiacum extract was very poor). The stick insect bioassay was quite specific for stick insect corpus cardiacum material; only corpus cardiacum extracts from a few other species (G. bimaculatus, P. americana, G. coquereliana and Pachnoda sp.) showed weak activity. All other extracts, including synthetic adipokinetic hormone and RPCH, failed to induce a response.Separations of corpus cardiacum extracts from L. migratoria, P. americana, T. molitor, C. morosus and S. sipylus were achieved on reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Locust corpus cardiacum extract showed two absorbance peaks with adipokinetic activity, adipokinetic hormones I and II. The peaks with hyperglycaemic activity from P. americana corpus cardiacum extracts had different retention times to those of locust adipokinetic hormones I and II. Stick insect corpus cardiacum extracts revealed also 2 absorbance peaks with adipokinetic activity, the major one co-eluting with RPCH. The active compound from corpus cardiacum extracts of T. molitor appeared to elute close to locust adipokinetic hormone I.
Keywords:Adipokinetic factors  hyperglycaemic factors  separation by HPLC  stick insects
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