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Modeling loop reorganization free energies of acetylcholinesterase: a comparison of explicit and implicit solvent models
Authors:Olson Mark A
Affiliation:Department of Cell Biology and Biochemistry, USAMRIID, Frederick, Maryland 21702, USA. molson@ncifcrf.gov
Abstract:The treatment of hydration effects in protein dynamics simulations varies in model complexity and spans the range from the computationally intensive microscopic evaluation to simple dielectric screening of charge-charge interactions. This paper compares different solvent models applied to the problem of estimating the free-energy difference between two loop conformations in acetylcholinesterase. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to sample potential energy surfaces of the two basins with solvent treated by means of explicit and implicit methods. Implicit solvent methods studied include the generalized Born (GB) model, atomic solvation potential (ASP), and the distance-dependent dieletric constant. By using the linear response approximation (LRA), the explicit solvent calculations determined a free-energy difference that is in excellent agreement with the experimental estimate, while rescoring the protein conformations with GB or the Poisson equation showed inconsistent and inferior results. While the approach of rescoring conformations from explicit water simulations with implicit solvent models is popular among many applications, it perturbs the energy landscape by changing the solvent contribution to microstates without conformational relaxation, thus leading to non-optimal solvation free energies. Calculations applying MD with a GB solvent model produced results of comparable accuracy as observed with LRA, yet the electrostatic free-energy terms were significantly different due to optimization on a potential energy surface favored by an implicit solvent reaction field. The simpler methods of ASP and the distance-dependent scaling of the dielectric constant both produced considerable distortions in the protein internal free-energy terms and are consequently unreliable.
Keywords:molecular dynamics  hydration  generalized Born  Poisson equation  atomic solvation potential  dielectric screening
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