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Site-directed mutagenesis on the heme axial-ligands of cytochrome b559 in photosystem II by using cyanobacteria Synechocystis PCC 6803
Authors:Chung-Hsien Hung
Affiliation:Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 11529, Republic of China
Abstract:Cytochrome (cyt) b559 has been proposed to play an important role in the cyclic electron flow processes that protect photosystem II (PSII) from light-induced damage during photoinhibitory conditions. However, the exact role(s) of cyt b559 in the cyclic electron transfer pathway(s) in PSII remains unclear. To study the exact role(s) of cyt b559, we have constructed a series of site-directed mutants, each carrying a single amino acid substitution of one of the heme axial-ligands, in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. In these mutants, His-22 of the α or the β subunit of cyt b559 was replaced with either Met, Glu, Tyr, Lys, Arg, Cys or Gln. On the basis of oxygen-evolution and chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements, we found that, among all mutants that were constructed, only the H22Kα mutant grew photoautotrophically, and accumulated stable PSII reaction centers (∼ 81% compared to wild-type cells). In addition, we isolated one pseudorevertant of the H22Yβ mutant that regained the ability to grow photoautotrophically and to assemble stable PSII reaction centers (∼ 79% compared to wild-type cells). On the basis of 77 K fluorescence emission measurements, we found that energy transfer from the phycobilisomes to PSII reaction centers was uncoupled in those cyt b559 mutants that assembled little or no stable PSII. Furthermore, on the basis of immunoblot analyses, we found that in thylakoid membranes of cyt b559 mutants that assembled little or no PSII, the amounts of the D1, D2, cyt b559α and β polypeptides were very low or undetectable but their CP47 and PsaC polypeptides were accumulated to the wild-type level. We also found that the amounts of cyt b559β polypeptide were significantly increased (larger than two folds) in thylakoid membranes of cyt b559 H22YβPS+ mutant cells. We suspected that the increase in the amounts of cyt b559 H22YβPS+ mutant polypeptides in thylakoid membranes might facilitate the assembly of functional PSII in cyt b559 H22YβPS+ mutant cells. Moreover, we found that isolated His-tagged PSII particles from H22Kα mutant cells gave rise to redox-induced optical absorption difference spectra of cyt b559. Therefore, our results concluded that significant fractions of H22Kα mutant PSII particles retained the heme of cyt b559. Finally, this work is the first report of cyt b559 mutants having substitutions of an axial heme-ligands that retain the ability to grow photoautotrophically and to assemble stable PSII reaction centers. These two cyt b559 mutants (H22Kα and H22YβPS+) and their PSII reaction centers will be very suitable for further biophysical and biochemical studies of the functional role(s) of cyt b559 in PSII.
Keywords:Chl, chlorophyll a   cyt, cytochrome   DCBQ, 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone   DCMU, 3-(3,4-dichloro-phenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea   DM, dodecylmaltoside   Em, erythromycin   EPR, electron paramagnetic resonance   Feq, steady-state fluorescence yield produced by weak monitoring flashes in the presence of DCMU   FTIR, Fourier transform infrared   Gm, gentamycin   HP, the high-potential form of cyt b559   LP, the low-potential form of cyt b559   kDa, kilodaltons   KLH, keyhole limpet hemosyanin   Km, Kanamycin   PCR, polymerase chain reaction   PSII, photosystem II   Pheo, primary pheophitin a electron acceptor   QA, the primary quinone electron acceptor in PSII   QB, the secondary quinone electron acceptor in PSII   wild-type?, control Synechocystis strain constructed in the same manner as site-directed mutants, but with no mutation
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