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Studies of some ways in which carrot mosaic virus can be transmitted
Authors:J Chod
Institution:1. Central Research Institute of Plant Production, ?. 507, Praha-Ruzyně
Abstract:The transmission of carrot mosaic virus (CMV) by the crude sap to 11 varieties of plants from 4 families was demonstrated. From these plants the virus could be transferred back to a healthy carrot cultivated from the seed in isolation. The incubation time required for the appearance of the symptoms of CMV was 7–20 days. The plants on which mosaic or spot symptoms appeared on the leaves after transfer by the sap at temperatures below 15°C remains habitually healthy after the transfer of virus at higher temperatures. The results of the mechanical inoculation of CMV by the crude infectious sap to young carrots cultivated from seeds differentiated this virus fromApium virus 1, which after mechanical inoculation causes chlorosis of the youngest carrot leaves in contrast to CMV. A further differentiation of CMV fromApium virus 1 is shown by the fact that CMV can be transferred only to the familyDaucaceae. It differs in this fromApium virus 1 which is transferred exclusively to this family (Köhler, Klinkowski 1954). CMV is differentiated fromCucumis virus 1/Doolittle Smith by some different host plants.
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