Abstract: | ![]() A triple resonance NMR experiment, denoted CO_H(N)CACB, correlates1HN and 13CO spins with the13C and13C spins of adjacent amino acids. Thepulse sequence is an out-and-back design that starts with1HN magnetization and transfers coherence viathe 15N spin simultaneously to the 13CO and13C spins, followed by transfer to the13C spin. Two versions of the sequence arepresented: one in which the 13CO spins are frequency labeledduring an incremented t1 evolution period prior to transfer ofmagnetization from the 13C to the13C resonances, and one in which the13CO spins are frequency labeled in a constant-time mannerduring the coherence transfer to and from the13C resonances. Because 13COand 15N chemical shifts are largely uncorrelated, thetechnique will be especially useful when degeneracy in the1HN-15N chemical shifts hindersresonance assignment. The CO_H(N)CACB experiment is demonstrated usinguniformly 13C/15N-labeled ubiquitin. |