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Real‐time monitoring of ethanol production during Pichia stipitis NRRL Y‐7124 alcoholic fermentation using transflection near infrared spectroscopy
Authors:Víctor Abel Corro‐Herrera  Javier Gómez‐Rodríguez  Patricia Margaret Hayward‐Jones  Dulce María Barradas‐Dermitz  Anne Christine Gschaedler‐Mathis  María Guadalupe Aguilar‐Uscanga
Affiliation:1. Bioengineering Laboratory, Food Research and Development Unit, Veracruz Institute of Technology, Veracruz, México;2. Industrial Biotechnology Unit, Center for Research and Applied Technology in Jalisco, Guadalajara, México
Abstract:The application of in situ near‐infrared spectroscopy monitoring of xylose metabolizing yeast such as Pichia stipitis for ethanol production with semisynthetic media, applying chemometrics, was investigated. During the process in a bioreactor, biomass, glucose, xylose, ethanol, acetic acid, and glycerol determinations were performed by a transflection probe immersed in the culture broth and connected to a near‐infrared process analyzer. Wavelength windows in near‐infrared spectra recorded between 800 and 2200 nm were pretreated using Savitzky–Golay smoothing, second derivative and multiplicative scattering correction in order to perform a partial least squares regression and generate the calibration models. These calibration models were tested by external validation (78 samples). Calibration and validation criteria were defined and evaluated in order to generate robust and reliable models for an alcoholic fermentation process matrix. Moreover, regressions coefficients (β) and variable influence in the projection plots were used to assess the results. A novelty is the use of β versus VIP dispersion plots to determine which vectors have more influence on the response in order to improve process comprehension and operability. Validated models were used in a real‐time monitoring during P. stipitis NRRL Y7124 semisynthetic media fermentations.
Keywords:Chemometrics  Ethanol  NIRS monitoring  Pichia  Xylose
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