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Purification and properties of a nitrite reductase from Porphyra yezoensis Ueda
Authors:Ho, Chi-Huie   Ikawa, Tomoyoshi   Nisizawa, Kazutosi
Affiliation:Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Kyoiku University Otsuka, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract:Nitrite reductase was extracted from the red alga Porphyra yezoensisUeda and purified through precipitation with ammonium sulfate,column chromatographies, and polyacrylamide gel disk electrophoresis.The enzyme preparation thus obtained showed a single band ondisk electrophoresis. The absorption spectrum had three maxima at 385 nm (Soret band),580 nm ({alpha}-band), and 278 nm; the ratio of absorbance of the Soretband to the {alpha}-band was 4.3. The molecular weight and the numberof amino acid residues were estimated to be 63,000 and 601,respectively. The enzyme activity was optimal at around pH 7.5, and its activitywas heat labile as indicated by reduction of activity by about70% when heated at 37°C for 10 min. The enzyme used ferredoxin and methyl viologen, but not NADP+or NAD+, as the electron carriers. Moreover, reduced forms ofthe latter two showed no effect on its activity. Km values ofthis enzyme for NO2–, Fd, and MV were 8.1 x 10–4M, 4.3 x 10–8 M, and 3.7 x 10–4 M, respectively.Almost half of its activity was lost when potassium cyanidewas added at a concentration as low as 10–5 M, and theKi value was 1.8 x 10–5 M. Thus, the nitrite reductaseof Porphyra must be systematically grouped in EC[EC]. Itresembled closely that of Chlorella, except for the amountsof some amino acids. 1 Present address: Department of Biological Sciences, Universityof Tsukuba, Sakura-Mura, Ibaraki, 300-31 Japan.2 Present address: Department of Fisheries, College of Agricultureand Veterinary Medicine, Nihon University, Shimouma, Setagaya-ku,Tokyo, 154 Japan. (Received June 10, 1975; )
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