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Costs of loading associated with mate-carrying in the waterstrider, Aquarius remigis
Authors:Fairbairn   D. J.
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Concordia University 1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Montréal, Québec H3G 1M8, Canada
Abstract:When one sex carries the other during some phase of courtshipor mating, the associated loading may entail a significant costto the carrier. This paper presents a series of laboratory experimentsdesigned to identify the costs of mate-carrying in Aquariusremigis. Female A. remigis mate repeatedly and carry each matefor several hours. Dead males and lead weights were used tosimulate normal mating and loading associated with mate-carrying,respectively. Females carrying weights equivalent to the weightof an average male showed no detectable reductions in survival,lipid reserves, or foraging success, and maintained themselveson the water surface for more than 10 days without access toresting sites. Weights equivalent to two males were supportedfor 6.1 ± 4.9 days. Thus, female A. remigis appear tobe very well adapted to carrying their mates and are unlikelyto be near their load limits when carrying a single mate. However,females carrying males or equivalent weights suffered a significantreduction in maximum mobility (stride length and speed), andan increased risk of predation by frogs (Rana clamitans). Femalescarrying weights were more susceptible to predation than unburdenedfemales but were less susceptible than females carrying males,suggesting that loading contributes significantly to, but doesnot fully explain, the increased predation risk. This risk probablyresults from both reduced mobility due to loading and greatervisibility (size). Possible influences of the costs of loadingon mating behavior and sexual size dimorphism are discussed.
Keywords:Aquarius remigis   Gerridae   mating   cost of reproduction   predation risk   sexual size dimorphism.
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