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Histomorphometric study of femoral heads in hip osteoarthritis and osteoporosis
Authors:De Pedro J A  Martin A P  Blanco J F  Salvado M  Perez M A  Cardoso A  Collía F  Ellis S S  Domínguez J
Affiliation:Department of Orthopaedics, University of Salamanca, Spain. Jpedrom@usal.es
Abstract:During the period from 2000 to 2003, ninety eight samples of femoral heads were collected. In these pieces, two zones were analyzed: a high-load zone (the hard core of the head) and a low-load zone (the round ligamentum teres zone). As control group, 6 femoral heads (3 of women and 3 of men), proceeding from autopsy in peoples without pathological antecedents and youngs, were studied. After the samples had been embedded in methylmethacrylate and stained, they were subjected to an histomorphometric study. By means of histomorphometry, trabecular bone volume (TBV) and osteoid substance (OSV) was determined. Statistically significant differences were found as for peripheral osteoid volume (low-load zone) (p=0.036) and trabecular bone volume, both peripheral and central. Both volumes decreased in osteoporotic samples and in those from women (p=0.000), in comparison with control group. Regarding the relationship between the high-load and low-load zone, significant data were obtained. The high-load zone had a greater trabecular bone volume than the low-load zone, regardless of the pathology and sex, but this increase was more pronounced in the arthrosic samples and in those from men. Additionally, this trabecular bone volume in the high-load zone decreased with increasing age of the donor (p=0.037), when the control group is compared. In sum, we observed a reduction in the formation of TBV and OSV in osteoporosis but also a decrease in the arthrosic, in samples from older subjects, in women, and in the low-load zone of the samples, when the control group is compared. These data suggest the coexistence of both pathologies, which is more pronounced in older subjects and women.
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