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Reaction norms across and genetic parameters at different temperatures for thorax and wing size traits in Drosophila aldrichi and D. buzzatii
Authors:Loeschcke  Bundgaard  Barker
Abstract:Reaction norms across seven constant and one fluctuating temperature of development were measured for thorax length and several wing size traits for up to 10 isofemale lines of each of the cactophilic Drosophila species, D. aldrichi and D. buzzatii, originating from the same locality. Maximum thorax length was reached at different low to intermediate temperatures for the two species, whereas wing length was highest at the lowest temperature in both species. Various ratio parameters showed pronounced species differences. The reaction norm for the wing loading index (wing length/thorax length) decreased monotonically with temperature in both species, but was much steeper and spanned a wider range in D. aldrichi than in D. buzzatii, suggesting either that wing loading is not a good characterization of flight capacity or, more likely, that flight optimization does not occur in the same manner in both species. The vein ratio (distal length/proximal length of the third vein) increased with temperature in D. buzzatii but decreased in D. aldrichi. Wing development in the two species thus is very different, with the proximal part of the wing in D. buzzatii more closely allied to the thorax than to the distal part. Among line variation was significant for all traits in both species, and most pronounced for thorax length and the ratio parameters. Coefficients of variation were significantly different between the species for all traits, with those in D. aldrichi higher than in D. buzzatii. Genetic variance in plasticity was significant for all traits in D. buzzatii, but only for seven out of 12 in D. aldrichi. Additive genetic variances for all traits in both species were significantly larger than zero. Genetic correlations between thorax length and several wing length parameters, and between these and wing area, were positive and generally significant in both species. The genetic correlation between the distal and the proximal length of the third vein was not significantly different from zero in D. aldrichi, but negative and significant in D. buzzatii. Heritabilites varied significantly among temperatures for almost all traits in both species. Phenotypic variances were generally higher in D. aldrichi than in D. buzzatii, and commonly highest at the extreme temperatures in the former species. At the high temperature the genetic variances also were usually highest in D. aldrichi. The data clearly suggest that the process of thermal adaptation is species specific and caution against generalizations based on the study of single species.
Keywords:body size  developmental temperature  genetic correlations  heritability  reaction norms
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