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Previously Unrecognized Amino Acid Substitutions in the Hemagglutinin and Fusion Proteins of Measles Virus Modulate Cell-Cell Fusion,Hemadsorption, Virus Growth,and Penetration Rate
Authors:Hiromi Okada  Masae Itoh  Kyosuke Nagata  Kaoru Takeuchi
Affiliation:Department of Infection Biology, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences and Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8575, Japan,1. Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology, Shiga 526-0829, Japan2.
Abstract:Wild-type measles virus (MV) isolated in B95a cells could be adapted to Vero cells after several blind passages. In this study, we have determined the complete nucleotide sequences of the genomes of the wild type (T11wild) and its Vero cell-adapted (T11Ve-23) MV strain and identified amino acid substitutions R516G, E271K, D439E and G464W (D439E/G464W), N481Y/H495R, and Y187H/L204F in the nucleocapsid, V, fusion (F), hemagglutinin (H), and large proteins, respectively. Expression of mutated H and F proteins from cDNA revealed that the H495R substitution, in addition to N481Y, in the H protein was necessary for the wild-type H protein to use CD46 efficiently as a receptor and that the G464W substitution in the F protein was important for enhanced cell-cell fusion. Recombinant wild-type MV strains harboring the F protein with the mutations D439E/G464W [F(D439E/G464W)] and/or H(N481Y/H495R) protein revealed that both mutated F and H proteins were required for efficient syncytium formation and virus growth in Vero cells. Interestingly, a recombinant wild-type MV strain harboring the H(N481Y/H495R) protein penetrated slowly into Vero cells, while a recombinant wild-type MV strain harboring both the F(D439E/G464W) and H(N481Y/H495R) proteins penetrated efficiently into Vero cells, indicating that the F(D439E/G464W) protein compensates for the inefficient penetration of a wild-type MV strain harboring the H(N481Y/H495R) protein. Thus, the F and H proteins synergistically function to ensure efficient wild-type MV growth in Vero cells.Measles virus (MV), which belongs to the genus Morbillivirus in the family Paramyxoviridae, is an enveloped virus with a nonsegmented negative-strand RNA genome. The MV genome encodes six structural proteins: the nucleocapsid (N), phosphoprotein (P), matrix (M), fusion (F), hemagglutinin (H), and large (L) proteins. The P gene also encodes two other accessory proteins, the C and V proteins. The C protein is translated from an alternative translational initiation site leading a different reading frame, and the V protein is synthesized from an edited mRNA. MV has two envelope glycoproteins, the F and H proteins. The former is responsible for envelope fusion, and the latter is responsible for receptor binding (12).Wild-type MV strains isolated in B95a cells and laboratory-adapted MV strains have distinct phenotypes (18). Wild-type MV strains can grow in B95a cells but not in Vero cells, while laboratory-adapted MV strains can grow in both B95a and Vero cells. Wild-type MV strains do not cause hemadsorption (HAd) in African green monkey red blood cells (AGM-RBC), while most of laboratory-adapted MV strains cause HAd. Importantly, wild-type MV strains are pathogenic and induce clinical signs that resemble human measles in experimentally infected monkeys while laboratory-adapted MV strains do not.One approach to identify amino acid substitutions responsible for these phenotypic differences is the comparison of a wild-type MV strain with a standard laboratory-adapted MV strain such as the Edmonston strain. With regard to the H protein, amino acid substitutions important for HAd activity and cell-cell fusion in tissue culture cells were identified by expressing the H proteins in mammalian cells (15, 21). Recently, Tahara et al. revealed that the M, H, and L proteins are responsible for efficient growth in Vero cells by constructing a series of recombinant viruses in which part of the genome of the wild-type MV was replaced with the corresponding sequences of the Edmonston strain (45, 46, 47).Another approach is the comparison of wild-type MV strains with their Vero cell-adapted MV strains. It was reported that Vero cell-adapted MV strains could be obtained by successive blind passages of wild-type MV strains in Vero cells (18, 24, 30, 43). Interestingly, in vivo and in vitro phenotypes of Vero cell-adapted MV strains were similar to those of laboratory-adapted standard MV strains (18, 19, 24, 30, 43). Comparison of the complete nucleotide sequences of the genomes of wild-type MV strains with those of Vero cell-adapted wild-type MV strains revealed amino acid substitutions in the P, C, V, M, H, and L proteins (27, 42, 48, 53).At present, these phenotypic differences are explained mainly by the receptor usage of MV. Wild-type MV strains can use signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM; also called CD150) but not CD46 as a cellular receptor, whereas laboratory-adapted MV strains can use both SLAM and CD46 as cellular receptors (7, 10, 16, 29, 56, 60).However, receptor usage per se cannot explain all of the phenotypic differences (20, 25, 48, 53). For example, recombinant Edmonston strains expressing wild-type H proteins can grow in Vero cells to some extent (17, 54). Several reports suggested the presence of the third MV receptor on Vero cells (14, 44, 54, 60). Other reports indicated the contribution of the M protein on cell-cell fusion and growth of MV in Vero cells (4, 27, 47). Recently, the unidentified epithelial cell receptor for MV was predicted in primary culture of human cells (1, 55) and several epithelial cell lines (23, 51). However, the identity of the third receptor on Vero cells and the unidentified epithelial cell receptor is not clear yet. Thus, the mechanism of Vero cell adaptation of wild-type MV is not completely understood.In order to understand the molecular mechanism of these phenotypic changes of wild-type MV strains during adaptation in Vero cells, we determined the complete nucleotide sequences of the genomes of the wild-type (T11wild) and its Vero cell-adapted (T11Ve-23) MV strains (43) and examined the effect of individual amino acid substitutions using a mammalian cell expression system and reverse genetics. We show here that previously unrecognized new amino acid substitutions in the H and F proteins are important for MV adaptation and HAd activity.
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