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Anterograde Spread of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Requires Glycoprotein E and Glycoprotein I but Not Us9
Authors:Helen M. McGraw  Sita Awasthi  Jason A. Wojcechowskyj  Harvey M. Friedman
Affiliation:Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6073
Abstract:Anterograde neuronal spread (i.e., spread from the neuron cell body toward the axon terminus) is a critical component of the alphaherpesvirus life cycle. Three viral proteins, gE, gI, and Us9, have been implicated in alphaherpesvirus anterograde spread in several animal models and neuron culture systems. We sought to better define the roles of gE, gI, and Us9 in herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) anterograde spread using a compartmentalized primary neuron culture system. We found that no anterograde spread occurred in the absence of gE or gI, indicating that these proteins are essential for HSV-1 anterograde spread. However, we did detect anterograde spread in the absence of Us9 using two independent Us9-deleted viruses. We confirmed the Us9 finding in different murine models of neuronal spread. We examined viral transport into the optic nerve and spread to the brain after retinal infection; the production of zosteriform disease after flank inoculation; and viral spread to the spinal cord after flank inoculation. In all models, anterograde spread occurred in the absence of Us9, although in some cases at reduced levels. This finding contrasts with gE- and gI-deleted viruses, which displayed no anterograde spread in any animal model. Thus, gE and gI are essential for HSV-1 anterograde spread, while Us9 is dispensable.Alphaherpesviruses are parasites of the peripheral nervous system. In their natural hosts, alphaherpesviruses establish lifelong persistent infections in sensory ganglia and periodically return by axonal transport to the periphery, where they cause recurrent disease. This life cycle requires viral transport along axons in two directions. Axonal transport in the retrograde direction (toward the neuron cell body) occurs during neuroinvasion and is required for the establishment of latency, while transport in the anterograde direction (away from the neuron cell body) occurs after reactivation and is required for viral spread to the periphery to cause recurrent disease. In addition to anterograde and retrograde axonal transport within neurons, alphaherpesviruses spread between synaptically connected neurons and between neurons and epithelial cells at the periphery (19, 22).The alphaherpesvirus subfamily includes the human pathogens herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), HSV-2, and varicella-zoster virus (VZV), as well as numerous veterinary pathogens such as pseudorabies virus (PRV) and bovine herpesviruses 1 and 5 (BHV-1 and BHV-5). The molecular mechanisms that mediate alphaherpesvirus anterograde axonal transport, anterograde spread, and cell-to-cell spread remain unclear. However, many studies of several alphaherpesviruses have indicated that anterograde transport or anterograde spread involves the viral proteins glycoprotein E (gE), glycoprotein I (gI), and Us9 (2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 26, 30, 31, 41, 46, 51, 52).Glycoproteins E and I are type I membrane proteins that form a heterodimer in the virion membrane and on the surface of infected cells. Although dispensable for the entry of extracellular virus, gE and gI mediate the epithelial cell-to-cell spread of numerous alphaherpesviruses (1, 3, 15, 20, 34, 38, 49, 53, 54). Us9 is a type II nonglycosylated membrane protein with no described biological activity apart from its role in neuronal transport (4, 18, 32). Here, we used several model systems to better characterize the roles of gE, gI, and Us9 in HSV-1 neuronal spread.Animal models to assess alphaherpesvirus neuronal transport (viral movement within a neuron) and spread (viral movement between cells) include the mouse flank and mouse retina models of infection. In the mouse flank model (Fig. (Fig.1A),1A), virus is scratch inoculated onto the depilated flank, where it infects the skin and spreads to innervating sensory neurons. The virus travels to the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in the spinal cord (retrograde direction) and then returns to an entire dermatome of skin (anterograde spread). The virus also is transported in an anterograde direction from the DRG to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and subsequently spreads to synaptically connected neurons. The production of zosteriform lesions and the presence of viral antigens in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord both are indicators of anterograde spread in this system. PRV gE and Us9 are required for the production of zosteriform disease, while gI is dispensable (7). In the absence of gE, HSV-1 also fails to cause zosteriform disease. However, unlike PRV, HSV-1 gE is required for retrograde spread to the DRG, so the role of gE in HSV-1 anterograde spread could not be evaluated in the mouse flank model (8, 36, 42).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Model systems to study HSV-1 neuronal spread. (A) Mouse flank model. Virus was scratch inoculated onto the skin, where it replicates, spreads to innervating neurons, and travels in a retrograde direction to the neuron cell body in the DRG. After replicating in the DRG, the virus travels in an anterograde direction back to the skin and into the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Motor neurons also innervate the skin, allowing virus to reach the ventral horn of the spinal cord by retrograde transport. (B) Mouse retina model. Virus is injected into the vitreous body, from which it infects the retina as well as other structures of the eye, including the ciliary body, iris, and skeletal muscles of the orbit. From the retina, the virus is transported into the optic nerve and optic tract (OT) (anterograde direction) and then to the brain along visual pathways. Anterograde spread is detected in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and superior colliculus (SC). From the infected ciliary body, iris, and skeletal muscle, the virus spreads in a retrograde direction along motor and parasympathetic neurons and is detected in the oculomotor and Edinger-Westphal nuclei (OMN/EWN). Only first-order sites of spread to the brain are indicated. (Brain images were modified and reproduced from reference 47 with permission from of the publisher. Copyright Elsevier 1992.) (C) Campenot chamber system. Campenot chambers consist of a Teflon ring that divides the culture into three separate compartments. Neurons are seeded into the S chamber and extend their axons into the M and N chambers. Vero cells are seeded into the N chamber 1 day before infection. Virus is added to the S chamber and detected in the N chamber, a measure of anterograde spread.The mouse retina infection model (Fig. (Fig.1B)1B) has the advantage of allowing anterograde and retrograde spread to be studied independently of one another. Virus is delivered to the vitreous body, from which it infects the retina and other structures of the eye. The cell bodies of retinal neurons form the innermost layer of the retina; therefore, the virus infects these neurons directly, and spread from the retina along visual pathways to the brain occurs in an exclusively anterograde direction. In addition, the virus infects the anterior uveal layer of the eye (ciliary body and iris) and skeletal muscles in the orbit. From these tissues, the virus infects innervating parasympathetic and motor neurons and spreads to the brain in a retrograde direction. The localization of viral antigens in specific brain sites indicates whether the virus traveled to the brain along an anterograde or retrograde pathway (21, 25, 26, 39, 44, 51). PRV gE, gI, and Us9 each are essential for anterograde spread to the brain yet are dispensable for retrograde spread (5, 11, 25, 52). Even a strain of PRV lacking all three of these proteins retains retrograde neuronal spread activity (12, 40, 44). In contrast, in the absence of gE, HSV-1 fails to spread to the brain by either the anterograde or retrograde pathway (51).The Campenot chamber system (Fig. (Fig.1C)1C) has the advantage of allowing quantitative measurement of anterograde spread. Sympathetic neurons are cultured in a tripartite ring in which neuron cell bodies are contained in a separate compartment from their neurites. Virus is added to neuron cell bodies in one chamber, and anterograde spread to a separate chamber is measured by viral titers (13, 29, 30, 39, 43). Using this system, gEnull, gInull, and Us9null PRV each were shown to have only a partial defect in anterograde spread, while a virus lacking all three proteins was totally defective (13).We sought to quantify the anterograde spread activity of gEnull, gInull, and Us9null HSV-1 using the Campenot chamber system. While gEnull and gInull viruses were completely defective at anterograde spread, we found that a Us9null virus retained wild-type (WT) anterograde spread activity in this system. This observation was unexpected, since others previously had reported that Us9 is required for efficient HSV-1 anterograde transport or spread (26, 41, 46). Therefore, we further characterized the neuronal spread properties of two independent Us9-deleted viruses in the mouse retina and mouse flank models of infection. Our results indicate that gE and gI are essential for HSV-1 anterograde spread, whereas Us9 is dispensable.
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