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Nitrate reductase: an improved assay method for phytoplankton
Authors:Hochman, Ayala   Nissany, Aliza   Wynne, David   Kaplan, Bina   Berman, Thomas
Affiliation:Department of Biochemistry, The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978 1Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Co., The Yigal Allon Kinneret Limnological Laboratory PO Box 345, Tiberias 14102, Israel
Abstract:A new assay for measuring the activity of nitrate reductasein phytoplankton, based upon the permeability of cells treatedwith toluene to substrates and products, is described. The methodis simple and, since the reaction is carried out directly ona glass fiber filter, can be easily performed in the field oron shipboard. In comparison with previous methods, this techniquegave higher absolute amounts of NO–2 formed per unit tuneand higher enzymatic activities per sample volume when testedwith axenic algal cultures and with natural phytoplankton populationsfrom Lake Kinneret, the River Jordan and the Eastern Mediterranean.
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