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Structural and Mechanistic Insights into Lunatic Fringe from a Kinetic Analysis of Enzyme Mutants
Authors:Kelvin B. Luther   Hermann Schindelin     Robert S. Haltiwanger
Affiliation:Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Institute for Cell and Developmental Biology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794-5215
Abstract:The Notch receptor is critical for proper development where it orchestrates numerous cell fate decisions. The Fringe family of β1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferases are regulators of this pathway. Fringe enzymes add N-acetylglucosamine to O-linked fucose on the epidermal growth factor repeats of Notch. Here we have analyzed the reaction catalyzed by Lunatic Fringe (Lfng) in detail. A mutagenesis strategy for Lfng was guided by a multiple sequence alignment of Fringe proteins and solutions from docking an epidermal growth factor-like O-fucose acceptor substrate onto a homology model of Lfng. We targeted three main areas as follows: residues that could help resolve where the fucose binds, residues in two conserved loops not observed in the published structure of Manic Fringe, and residues predicted to be involved in UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) donor specificity. We utilized a kinetic analysis of mutant enzyme activity toward the small molecule acceptor substrate 4-nitrophenyl-α-l-fucopyranoside to judge their effect on Lfng activity. Our results support the positioning of O-fucose in a specific orientation to the catalytic residue. We also found evidence that one loop closes off the active site coincident with, or subsequent to, substrate binding. We propose a mechanism whereby the ordering of this short loop may alter the conformation of the catalytic aspartate. Finally, we identify several residues near the UDP-GlcNAc-binding site, which are specifically permissive toward UDP-GlcNAc utilization.Defects in Notch signaling have been implicated in numerous human diseases, including multiple sclerosis (1), several forms of cancer (2-4), cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with sub-cortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (5), and spondylocostal dysostosis (SCD)3 (6-8). The transmembrane Notch signaling receptor is activated by members of the DSL (Delta, Serrate, Lag2) family of ligands (9, 10). In the endoplasmic reticulum, O-linked fucose glycans are added to the epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) repeats of the Notch extracellular domain by protein O-fucosyltransferase 1 (11-13). These O-fucose monosaccharides can be elongated in the Golgi apparatus by three highly conserved β1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferases of the Fringe family (Lunatic (Lfng), Manic (Mfng), and Radical Fringe (Rfng) in mammals) (14-16). The formation of this GlcNAc-β1,3-Fuc-α1, O-serine/threonine disaccharide is necessary and sufficient for subsequent elongation to a tetrasaccharide (15, 19), although elongation past the disaccharide in Drosophila is not yet clear (20, 21). Elongation of O-fucose by Fringe is known to potentiate Notch signaling from Delta ligands and inhibit signaling from Serrate ligands (22). Delta ligands are termed Delta-like (Delta-like1, -2, and -4) in mammals, and the homologs of Serrate are known as Jagged (Jagged1 and -2) in mammals. The effects of Fringe on Drosophila Notch can be recapitulated in Notch ligand in vitro binding assays using purified components, suggesting that the elongation of O-fucose by Fringe alters the binding of Notch to its ligands (21). Although Fringe also appears to alter Notch-ligand interactions in mammals, the effects of elongation of the glycan past the O-fucose monosaccharide is more complicated and appears to be cell type-, receptor-, and ligand-dependent (for a recent review see Ref. 23).The Fringe enzymes catalyze the transfer of GlcNAc from the donor substrate UDP-α-GlcNAc to the acceptor fucose, forming the GlcNAc-β1,3-Fuc disaccharide (14-16). They belong to the GT-A-fold of inverting glycosyltransferases, which includes N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I and β1,4-galactosyltransferase I (17, 18). The mechanism is presumed to proceed through the abstraction of a proton from the acceptor substrate by a catalytic base (Asp or Glu) in the active site. This creates a nucleophile that attacks the anomeric carbon of the nucleotide-sugar donor, inverting its configuration from α (on the nucleotide sugar) to β (in the product) (24, 25). The enzyme then releases the acceptor substrate modified with a disaccharide and UDP. The Mfng structure (26) leaves little doubt as to the identity of the catalytic residue, which in all likelihood is aspartate 289 in mouse Lfng (we will use numbering for mouse Lunatic Fringe throughout, unless otherwise stated). The structure of Mfng with UDP-GlcNAc soaked into the crystals (26) showed density only for the UDP portion of the nucleotide-sugar donor and no density for two loops flanking either side of the active site. The presence of flexible loops that become ordered upon substrate binding is a common observation with glycosyltransferases in the GT-A fold family (18, 25). Density for the entire donor was observed in the structure of rabbit N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (27). In this case, ordering of a previously disordered loop upon UDP-GlcNAc binding may have contributed to increased stability of the donor. In the case of bovine β1,4-galactosyltransferase I, a section of flexible random coil from the apo-structure was observed to change its conformation to α-helical upon donor substrate binding (28). Both loops in Lfng are highly conserved, and we have mutated a number of residues in each to test the hypothesis that they interact with the substrates. The mutagenesis strategy was also guided by docking of an EGF-O-fucose acceptor substrate into the active site of the Lfng model as well as comparison of the Lfng model with a homology model of the β1,3-glucosyltransferase (β3GlcT) that modifies O-fucose on thrombospondin type 1 repeats (29, 30). The β3GlcT is predicted to be a GT-A fold enzyme related to the Fringe family (17, 18, 29).
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