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Tiam1 and Rac1 Are Required for Platelet-activating Factor-induced Endothelial Junctional Disassembly and Increase in Vascular Permeability
Authors:Ivana I. Knezevic   Sanda A. Predescu   Radu F. Neamu   Matvey S. Gorovoy   Nebojsa M. Knezevic   Cordus Easington   Asrar B. Malik     Dan N. Predescu
Affiliation:Department of Pharmacology, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois 60612 and the §Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois 60612
Abstract:It is known that platelet-activating factor (PAF) induces severe endothelial barrier leakiness, but the signaling mechanisms remain unclear. Here, using a wide range of biochemical and morphological approaches applied in both mouse models and cultured endothelial cells, we addressed the mechanisms of PAF-induced disruption of interendothelial junctions (IEJs) and of increased endothelial permeability. The formation of interendothelial gaps filled with filopodia and lamellipodia is the cellular event responsible for the disruption of endothelial barrier. We observed that PAF ligation of its receptor induced the activation of the Rho GTPase Rac1. Following PAF exposure, both Rac1 and its guanine nucleotide exchange factor Tiam1 were found associated with a membrane fraction from which they co-immunoprecipitated with PAF receptor. In the same time frame with Tiam1-Rac1 translocation, the junctional proteins ZO-1 and VE-cadherin were relocated from the IEJs, and formation of numerous interendothelial gaps was recorded. Notably, the response was independent of myosin light chain phosphorylation and thus distinct from other mediators, such as histamine and thrombin. The changes in actin status are driven by the PAF-induced localized actin polymerization as a consequence of Rac1 translocation and activation. Tiam1 was required for the activation of Rac1, actin polymerization, relocation of junctional associated proteins, and disruption of IEJs. Thus, PAF-induced IEJ disruption and increased endothelial permeability requires the activation of a Tiam1-Rac1 signaling module, suggesting a novel therapeutic target against increased vascular permeability associated with inflammatory diseases.The endothelial barrier is made up of endothelial cells (ECs)4 connected to each other by interendothelial junctions (IEJs) consisting of protein complexes organized as tight junctions (TJs) and adherens junctions (AJs). In addition, the focal adhesion complex located at the basal plasma membrane enables firm contact of ECs with the underlying basement membrane and also contributes to the barrier function (1-3). The glycocalyx, the endothelial monolayer, and the basement membrane all together constitute the vascular barrier.The structural integrity of the ECs along with their proper functionality are the two most important factors controlling the tightness of the endothelial barrier. Changes affecting these factors cause loss of barrier restrictiveness and leakiness. Therefore, defining and understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling these processes is of paramount importance. Increased width of IEJs in response to permeability-increasing mediators (4) regulates the magnitude of transendothelial exchange of fluid and solutes. Disruption of IEJs and the resultant barrier leakiness contribute to the genesis of diverse pathological conditions, such as inflammation (5), metastasis (6, 7), and uncontrolled angiogenesis (8, 9).Accumulated evidence demonstrated that IEJs changes are responsible for increased or decreased vascular permeability, and the generally accepted mechanism responsible for them was the myosin light chain (MLC)-mediated contraction of ECs (5, 10). However, published evidence showed that an increase in vascular permeability could be obtained without a direct involvement of any contractile mechanism (11-16).The main component of the vascular barrier, the ECs, has more than 10% of their total protein represented by actin (17), which under physiological salt concentrations subsists as monomers (G-actin) and assembled into filaments (F-actin). A large number of actin-interacting proteins may modulate the assembly, disassembly, and organization of G-actin and of actin filaments within a given cell type. Similar to the complexity of actin-interacting proteins found in other cell types, the ECs utilize their actin binding proteins to stabilize the endothelial monolayer in order to efficiently function as a selective barrier (11). In undisturbed ECs, the actin microfilaments are organized as different networks with distinctive functional and morphological characteristics: the peripheral filaments also known as peripheral dense band (PDB), the cytoplasmic fibers identified as stress fibers (SF), and the actin from the membrane cytoskeleton (18). The peripheral web, localized immediately under the membrane, is associated with (i) the luminal plasmalemma (on the apical side), (ii) the IEJ complexes on the lateral surfaces, and (iii) the focal adhesion complexes on the abluminal side (the basal part) of polarized ECs. The SF reside inside the endothelial cytoplasm and are believed to be directly connected with the plasmalemma proper on the luminal as well as on the abluminal side of the cell. As described, the endothelial actin cytoskeleton (specifically the SF) seems to be a stable structure helping the cells to remain flat under flow (19). It is also established that the actin fibers participate in correct localization of different junctional complexes while keeping them in place (20). However, it was suggested that the dynamic equilibrium between F- and G-actin might modulate the tightness of endothelial barrier in response to different challenges (13).Mediators effective at nanomolar concentrations or less that disrupt the endothelial barrier and increase vascular permeability include C2 toxin of Clostridium botulinum, vascular permeability factor, better known as vascular endothelial growth factor, and PAF (21). C2 toxin increases endothelial permeability by ribosylating monomeric G-actin at Arg-177 (22). This results in the impairment of actin polymerization (23), followed by rounding of ECs (16) and the disruption of junctional integrity. Vascular permeability factor was shown to open IEJs by redistribution of junctional proteins (24, 25) and by interfering with the equilibrium of actin pools (26). PAF (1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocoline), a naturally synthesized phospholipid is active at 10-10 m or less (27). PAF is synthesized by and acts on a variety of cell types, including platelets (28), neutrophils (29), monocytes (30), and ECs (31). PAF-mediated activation of ECs induced cell migration (32), angiogenesis (7), and vascular hyperpermeability (33) secondary to disassembly of IEJs (34). The effects of PAF on the endothelium are initiated through a G protein-coupled receptor (PAF-R) localized at the plasmalemma, in a large endosomal compartment inside the cell (34), and also in the nuclear membrane (35). In ECs, PAF-R was shown to signal through Gαq and downstream activation of phospholipase C isozymes (PLCβ3 and PLCγ1), and via cSrc (32, 36). Studies have shown that PAF challenge induced endothelial actin cytoskeletal rearrangement (37) and marked vascular leakiness (38); however, the signaling pathways have not been elucidated.Therefore, in the present study, we carried out a systematic analysis of PAF-induced morphological and biochemical changes of endothelial barrier in vivo and in cultured ECs. We found that the opening of endothelial barrier and the increased vascular leakiness induced by PAF are the result of a shift in actin pools without involvement of EC contraction, followed by a redistribution of tight junctional associated protein ZO-1 and adherens junctional protein VE-cadherin.
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