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The Autism Psychodynamic Evaluation of Changes (APEC) scale: A reliability and validity study on a newly developed standardized psychodynamic assessment for youth with Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Authors:Geneviè  ve Haag,Michel Botbol,Rozenn Graignic,Fernando Perez-Diaz,Guillaume Bronsard,Solenn Kermarrec,Marie-Christine Clement,Annick Cukierman,Catherine Druon,André  e Duprat,Franç  oise Jardin,Anik Maufras du Chatellier,Jacqueline Tricaud,Simone Urwand,Jean-Marc Guilé  ,David Cohen,Sylvie Tordjman
Affiliation:aSPP (Société Psychanalytique de Paris), Paris, France;bSPP, Ecole des Psychologues Praticiens, Université Catholique, Paris, France;cService Hospitalo-Universitaire de Psychiatrie de l’Enfant et de l’Adolescent de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1, Centre Hospitalier Guillaume Régnier, France;dCentre Emotion, UFR 3246 CNRS, Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpétrière, Paris, France;eDepartmental Adolescent Home and Medico-Psycho-Pedagogic Departmental Center, Laboratory of Public Health (EA 3279) of Medicine University of Marseille, France;fPsychoanalyst and Psychiatrist or Psychologist, Paris, France;gDepartment of Psychiatry, Université de Montréal, Canada;hService de Psychiatrie de l’Enfant et de l’Adolescent, Hôpital Pitié-Salpétrière, Paris, France;iLaboratoire de Psychologie de la Perception, Université Paris Descartes, UMR 8158 CNRS, France
Abstract:The present study was designed to examine the reliability and validity of the Autism Psychodynamic Evaluation of Changes (APEC) scale, developed to assess the evolution in individuals with autism under treatment. The APEC scale focuses on the key role of impairment in body image construction, which requires cross-modal sensory integration through emotional communication with motor representations. Thus, the body image construction is associated simultaneously with spatial and temporal organization and allows the emergence of self- and others-representations. The use of the APEC scale, with its seven domains (expression of emotion in relationships, eye contact, body image, graphic productions, exploration of space and objects, time perception, and verbal language), underlines the importance in autistic disorder of anxieties related to body and spatial representations, and of impairment in the body ego construction which is closely linked to the emergence of individuation/separation processes. This study was conducted on 73 children and adolescents with autistic disorder. They were recruited in day care facilities where two caregivers independently gave their ratings based on their clinical observation on a daily basis during the same month. Analyses included assessing construct validity through correspondence analyses and inter-rater reliability using kappa coefficients. The APEC scale offers a reliable and validated psychodynamic assessment of interest for professionals (such as child psychiatrists, caregivers, therapists or teachers) and researchers working with children, adolescents and adults with autistic disorder, especially in the follow-up of their evolution. The APEC scale provides an approach at the interface of psychoanalysis and neuroscience, and is also of interest for clinical and developmental psychology. Using the APEC scale in a range of different practical and research settings will foster links between psychoanalytic perspectives and educational training for children with autistic disorder, and will contribute to the dialogue between psychoanalysis, neuroscience and psychology.
Keywords:Autism Psychodynamic Evaluation of Changes (APEC scale)   Reliability   Validity   Psychodynamic   Assessment   Autistic disorder
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