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Zooplankton feeding ecology: does a diet of Phaeocystis support good copepod grazing, survival, egg production and egg hatching success?
Authors:Turner, Jefferson T.   Ianora, Adrianna   Esposito, Francesco   Carotenuto, Ylenia   Miralto, Antonio
Affiliation:School for Marine Science and Technology, University Of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 706 South Rodney French Boulevard, New Bedford, Ma 02744, USA and 1 Stazione Zoologica ‘anton Dohrn’, Villa Communale, Naples, Italy
Abstract:The bloom-forming alga Phaeocystis is ingested by a varietyof zooplankton grazers, but is thought to be a poor source offood. We examined copepod grazing on solitary Phaeocystis cellsby adult females of Temora stylifera, and survival, fecal pelletproduction, egg production and egg hatching success in Calanushelgolandicus and T. stylifera over periods of 15 consecutivedays. Phaeocystis cell concentrations were high (1.2–3.6x 104 cells ml–1 for C. helgolandicus and 2.5–7.9x 104 cells ml–1 for T. stylifera), but within the rangeof maxima recorded for natural blooms. Both copepods survivedwell and continuously produced fecal pellets (indicating continuousgrazing) on a diet of Phaeocystis. However, egg production ratesfor both copepods were low, even though hatching success ofthe few eggs produced was high. Clearance rates for T. styliferawere higher than for most previous measurements of other copepodsfeeding on Phaeocystis solitary cells at lower cell concentrations.We conclude that even though copepods feed well upon Phaeocystis,resulting poor fecundity on this diet may inhibit copepod populationincreases during blooms, thereby contributing to the perpetuationof blooms. However, the high egg hatching success on this dietargues against Phaeocystis containing chemical compounds thatact as mitotic inhibitors reducing copepod egg viability, suchas those found in some other phytoplankters.
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