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Newcastle Disease Virus-Vectored Vaccines Expressing the Hemagglutinin or Neuraminidase Protein of H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Protect against Virus Challenge in Monkeys
Authors:Joshua M. DiNapoli  Baibaswata Nayak  Lijuan Yang  Brad W. Finneyfrock  Anthony Cook  Hanne Andersen  Fernando Torres-Velez  Brian R. Murphy  Siba K. Samal  Peter L. Collins  Alexander Bukreyev
Affiliation:Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892,1. Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742,2. Bioqual, Inc., Rockville, Maryland 20850,3. Infectious Diseases Pathogenesis Section, Comparative Medicine Branch, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 208924.
Abstract:H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) causes periodic outbreaks in humans, resulting in severe infections with a high (60%) incidence of mortality. The circulating strains have low human-to-human transmissibility; however, widespread concerns exist that enhanced transmission due to mutations could lead to a global pandemic. We previously engineered Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an avian paramyxovirus, as a vector to express the HPAIV hemagglutinin (HA) protein, and we showed that this vaccine (NDV/HA) induced a high level of HPAIV-specific mucosal and serum antibodies in primates when administered through the respiratory tract. Here we developed additional NDV-vectored vaccines expressing either HPAIV HA in which the polybasic cleavage site was replaced with that from a low-pathogenicity strain of influenza virus [HA(RV)], in order to address concerns of enhanced vector replication or genetic exchange, or HPAIV neuraminidase (NA). The three vaccine viruses [NDV/HA, NDV/HA(RV), and NDV/NA] were administered separately to groups of African green monkeys by the intranasal/intratracheal route. An additional group of animals received NDV/HA by aerosol administration. Each of the vaccine constructs was highly restricted for replication, with only low levels of virus shedding detected in respiratory secretions. All groups developed high levels of neutralizing antibodies against homologous and heterologous strains of HPAIV and were protected against challenge with 2 × 107 PFU of homologous HPAIV. Thus, needle-free, highly attenuated NDV-vectored vaccines expressing either HPAIV HA, HA(RV), or NA have been developed and demonstrated to be individually immunogenic and protective in a primate model of HPAIV infection. The finding that HA(RV) was protective indicates that it would be preferred for inclusion in a vaccine. The study also identified NA as an independent protective HPAIV antigen in primates. Furthermore, we demonstrated the feasibility of aerosol delivery of NDV-vectored vaccines.H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) was first detected in human infections in 1997; previously, it had been found only in birds (11, 50). To date, this virus has been identified in 436 confirmed cases of human infection in 15 countries, 262 (60%) of which were fatal (75). The currently circulating H5N1 strains are characterized by low human-to-human transmissibility. This has been attributed, in part, to a preference for binding to α-2,3-linked sialic acids that are present in high concentrations throughout the avian respiratory tract but were thought to be found primarily in the lower human respiratory tract (57), although this explanation has been questioned (48, 49). It has also been observed that mutations in the PB2 subunit of the viral polymerase are necessary to confer the ability for the virus to be spread by aerosolized nasal droplets in ferrets (72). Whatever factors may be involved, there is widespread concern that the avian virus could mutate to enhance its transmissibility among humans, possibly resulting in a global pandemic (28, 50). For the avian H9N2 virus, which also has pandemic potential, it has been demonstrated that only five amino acid changes were sufficient for the virus to gain the ability to be spread by aerosolized nasal droplets in a ferret model (60). Thus, there is an urgent need for vaccines against HPAIV.Several vaccine strategies for HPAIV have been evaluated (reviewed in references 32 and 41), including inactivated and live attenuated vaccines. These efforts have been hampered by several factors. HPAIV strains are highly virulent for embryonated chicken eggs, the most widely used substrate for vaccine manufacture, and their rapid death following inoculation renders eggs unsuitable for efficient virus propagation. In addition, the major protective antigen, hemagglutinin (HA), administered either as a purified protein or in inactivated HPAIV virions, appears to be poorly immunogenic (69, 70). An additional factor complicating the development of HPAIV vaccines based on inactivated virus is the high cost and biohazard associated with HPAIV propagation, which must be done under enhanced biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) containment, although this problem might be addressed by the use of live attenuated reassortant influenza virus vaccines that contain the HPAIV glycoproteins on the background of an avirulent human influenza virus strain (24, 37). In addition, such reassortant strains might serve directly as live attenuated vaccines. Unfortunately, the latter approach may be limited by subtle and unpredictable incompatibility between the avian-origin glycoproteins and human-origin vaccine backgrounds acceptable for human use, which can result in overattenuation in vivo (24). There are also lingering concerns about the significant potential, with a live HPAIV vaccine, for reassortment between gene segments of the vaccine virus and circulating influenza virus strains, which might result in novel strains with unpredictable biological properties (63).We and others have been evaluating Newcastle disease virus (NDV) as a general human vaccine vector for emerging pathogens, including H5N1 HPAIV (7, 18-20, 29). NDV is an avian paramyxovirus that is antigenically unrelated to common human pathogens; hence, its use in humans should not be affected by host immunity to common pathogens. The many naturally occurring strains of NDV can be categorized into three pathotypes based on virulence in chickens: velogenic strains, causing severe disease with high mortality; mesogenic strains, causing disease of intermediate severity with low mortality; and lentogenic strains, causing mild or inapparent infections (reviewed in reference 2). Lentogenic, and sometimes mesogenic, strains of NDV are in wide use as live attenuated vaccines against velogenic NDV in poultry (2). When mesogenic or lentogenic NDV was administered to the respiratory tracts of nonhuman primates as a model for the immunization of humans, the virus was highly attenuated for replication, was shed only at low titers, appeared to remain restricted to the respiratory tract, and was highly immunogenic for the expressed foreign antigen (7). We recently demonstrated that a mesogenic strain of NDV expressing the HA protein of H5N1 HPAIV (NDV/HA) elicited high titers of neutralizing antibodies in serum following combined intranasal (i.n.) and intratracheal (i.t.) delivery in a nonhuman primate model (20). Vaccination of mice with a similar NDV-vectored vaccine protected them from HPAIV challenge (29). However, results obtained with mice do not reliably predict the efficacy of an influenza virus vaccine for human use, due to the pathophysiological and phylogenetic differences between mice and humans (71). In particular, mice may produce a potent immune response to HPAIV vaccines (64) that may not be reproduced in clinical trials (38). These considerations are especially important for a vaccine based on a live viral vector platform, since its immunogenicity, and therefore its protective efficacy, is directly linked to replication, which can differ greatly in various experimental animals versus humans (reviewed in references 6 and 9). Therefore, the protective efficacy of NDV-based vaccines against HPAIV challenge in nonhuman primate models—the closest model to humans—has remained unknown.The protease recognition sequence of the HA protein is one of the major determinants of avian influenza virus pathogenicity (62). HPAIV strains have a “polybasic” cleavage site, containing multiple basic amino acids, that is readily cleaved by ubiquitous intracellular subtilisin-like proteases, facilitating the replication and spread of the virus. In contrast, the HA cleavage site of low-pathogenicity strains contains fewer basic amino acids and depends on secretory trypsin-like proteases found in the respiratory and enteric tracts, resulting in more-localized infections (30, 62). The presence of a polybasic cleavage site in the H5 HA of any live vaccine raises some concern about the possibility of genetic exchange with circulating strains of influenza virus. It should be noted that genetic exchange involving paramyxoviruses is a rare event (14) that has been documented only once (61). However, elimination of the polybasic HA cleavage site would mitigate the effects of even this rare possibility of genetic exchange. Another concern was based on our previous finding that the HPAIV H5 HA protein is incorporated into the NDV envelope as a trimer (20), consistent with its presence in a functional form. While we previously showed that this did not enhance the pathogenicity of the NDV/HA recombinant in chickens (20), we could not rule out the possibility that it might confer an altered tropism on the NDV/HA virus in other systems. For example, a recombinant parainfluenza virus type 3 expressing the Ebola virus glycoprotein incorporated the foreign protein into its envelope, allowing cellular attachment and fusion of the vaccine virus independently of the vector''s own envelope glycoproteins (10).In addition to the HA protein, the neuraminidase (NA) protein is also present on the surfaces of influenza virus-infected cells and virions. Antibodies specific for NA are not thought to interfere with the initial viral attachment and penetration of host cells (36, 40, 54). However, NA-specific antibodies prevent the release of virus from infected cells, thereby decreasing viral spread (35), and they increase resistance to viral infection in humans (40, 47, 54). They also provide at least some protection against viruses bearing homologous or heterologous NA proteins of the same subtype in a mouse model (12, 56). NA also appears to evolve at a lower rate than HA, suggesting that NA-specific antibodies may provide broader protection than a vaccine utilizing HA alone (39). Therefore, it was important to assess the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of the HPAIV NA independently of those of HA, which has not previously been done in a human or nonhuman primate model.
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