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引用本文:胡复眉,郑儒永,陈桂清. 水玉霉(Pilobolus)属的种的重新划分[J]. 菌物学报, 1989, 8(Z1): 111-133
作者姓名:胡复眉  郑儒永  陈桂清
作者单位:中国科学院微生物研究所真菌地衣系统学开放研究实验室, 北京;中国科学院微生物研究所真菌地衣系统学开放研究实验室, 北京;中国科学院微生物研究所真菌地衣系统学开放研究实验室, 北京
摘    要:我们在过去的工作中承认水玉霉(Pilobolus)属的9个种(郑、胡,见戴,1979)。近年来我们重新分离得到了这些分类群并对它们进行了再研究。研究结果表明,尽管它们是彼此可以互相区分的分类群,但是,包括我们过去的概念在内,目前被普遍接受的用于这个属的分类的种概念太小.为了与整个毛霉目的其它属的分类系统相一致,我们把这9个分类群重新划分为由9个变种组成的5个种:晶澈水玉霉原变种[Pilobolus crystallinu (Wigg.) Tode var. crystallinus],晶澈水玉霉透孢变种新组合[P. crystallinus var.hyalosporus (Boedijn) Hu &Zheng, comb. nov.],晶澈水玉霉克莱因变种新组合[P. crystallinus var.kleinii (van Tieghem) Zheng &G.-q. Chen, comb. nov.],豆状水玉霉原变种(P. lentiger Corda var. lentiger),豆状水玉霉小型变种新组合[P. lentiger var. minutus (Speg.) Zheng &G.-q. Chen, comb. nov.],长型水玉霉(P. longipes van Tieghem),厚壁水玉霉(P. Oedipus Mont.),露水玉霉原变种[P. roridus (Bolt.) Pers. var. roridus],露水玉霉突囊变种新组合[P. roridus var. umbonatus (Butler) Hu &Zheng, comb. nov.]。水玉霉属先后报道过的种或种下分类群名称共计50个左右,其中一些异名往往被不同的作者归到不同的正名下面。为了解决它们的正确归属问题,我们对全部原始描述作了细致的文献考证然后决定其位置。对那些找不到原始描述或从原始描述中得不出结论的则作为可疑名称处理。可疑名称共计12个:Mucor obliquus Scop., M. urceolatus Dicks.;Pilobolus urceolatus Purt., P. pestis-bovinae Hallier(=P. hallierii Rivolta), P. nanus van Tieghem, P. intermedius, (Coem.) P. A. Karsten(=P. Oedipus Mont. var,intermedius Coem.), P. pullus Massee, P.proliferens McVickar, P. ramosus McVickar, P. simplex McVickar, P. lentiger forma leinii Reyn. &Laysa, P. lentiger forma minutus Reyn. &Laysa.

关 键 词:水玉霉属  水玉霉科  毛霉目  真菌  分类

HU Fu-mei,ZHENG Ru-yong and CHEN Gui-qing. A REDEUMITATION OF THE SPECIES OF PILOBOLUS[J]. Mycosystema, 1989, 8(Z1): 111-133
Authors:HU Fu-mei  ZHENG Ru-yong  CHEN Gui-qing
Affiliation:Systematic Mycology and Lichenology Laboratory Institute of Microbiology, Academia Sinica Beijjng 100080, China;Systematic Mycology and Lichenology Laboratory Institute of Microbiology, Academia Sinica Beijjng 100080, China;Systematic Mycology and Lichenology Laboratory Institute of Microbiology, Academia Sinica Beijjng 100080, China
Abstract:Nine species of Pilobolus were accepted by Zheng & Hu (in Tai, 1979). All of these werecollected and studied recently. Though they are distinguishable from each other, in this paper they areredelimitated as five species comprising nine varieties in order to achieve concordance with the other generaof the Mucorales where the existing species concept for classifying Pilobolus, including ours in the past,is too small and needs revising. The taxa now accepted are:Pilobolus crystallinus (Wigg.) Tode var.crystallinus;P. crystallinus var. hyalosporus (Boedijn) Hu & Zheng, comb. nov.;P. crystallinus var. kleinii(van Tieghem) Zheng &G.-q. Chen, comb. nov.;P. lentiger Corda var. lentiger;P. lentiger var. minutus(Speg.) Zheng &G.-q. Chen, comb. nov.;P. longipes van Tieghem;P. oedipus Mont.;P. roridus (Bolt.)Pers. var. roridus;P. roridus var. umbonatus (Buller) Hu &Zheng, comb. nov. A study of the diagnosesgiven in the literature of some synonyms, which were referred to different taxa by different authors, wasmade to determine their correct placement. Twelve names are listed here as doubtful since no diagnosescould be found or no conclusion could be drawn from the diagnoses. These include:Mucor obliquus Scop.,M. urceolatus Dicks., Pilobolus urceolatus Purt., P. pestis-bovinae Hallier (= P. hallierii Rivolta), P. nanusvan Tieghem, P. intermedius (Coem.) P. A. Karsten (= P. oedipus var. intermedius Coem.), P. pullusMassee, P. proliferens McVickar, P. ramosus McVickar, P. simplex McVickar, P. lentiger forma kleiniiReyn. &Laysa, and P. lentiger forma minutus Reyn. &Laysa.
Keywords:Pilobolus  Pilobolaceae  Mucorales  fungi  taxonomy
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