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Effect of Osmotic Stress on Turgor Pressure in Mung Bean Root Cells
Authors:Itoh, Kimio   Nakamura, Yoshiyuki   Kawata, Hironori   Yamada, Teruaki   Ohta, Eiji   Sakata, Makoto
Affiliation:Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 223, Japan
Abstract:Turgor pressure in cells of the elongating region of intactmung bean roots was directly measured by using the pressure-probetechnique. After the external osmotic pressure had been increasedfrom 0 MPa to 0.5 MPa, turgor pressure rapidly decreased byabout 0.5 MPa from 0.65 MPa to 0.14 MPa and root elongationstopped. Subsequent turgor regulation was clearly confirmed,which followed the osmotic adjustment to maintain a constantdifference in the osmotic pressure between root-cell sap andthe external medium ({Delta} II). It took at least 6 h for turgor pressureto recover to an adjusted constant level of about 0.5 MPa dueto turgor regulation, but rootelongation resumed within onlyan hour after the osmotic treatment. Therefore, the resumptionof root elongation under osmotic stress could not have beendirectly connected with turgor regulation. Furthermore, sincethe amounts of decrease in turgor pressure just after applicationsof various degrees of osmotic stress could be interpreted inrelation to those in {Delta} II, hydraulic conductivity between theinside and the outside of root cells must be large enough toattain water potential equilibrium rapidly in response to osmoticstress. We conclude that turgor pressure in the cells of theelongating region of mung bean roots is determined mainly by{Delta} II because of water potential equilibrium. (Received January 27, 1987; Accepted May 21, 1987)
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