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Temporal development of salt marsh value for nekton and epifauna: utilization of dredged material marshes in Galveston Bay,Texas, USA
Authors:Minello  Thomas J.
Affiliation:(1) Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Fishery Ecology Branch, Galveston Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, 4700 Avenue U, Galveston, Texas, 77551
Abstract:Densities of nekton and other fauna were measured inthree created salt marshes to examine habitatdevelopment rate. All three marshes were located onPelican Spit in Galveston Bay, Texas, USA and werecreated on dredged material from the Gulf IntracoastalWaterway. The youngest marsh was planted on 1-mcenters in July of 1992. At the time sampling wasinitiated in fall 1992, the marshes were 9, 5, andless than 1 year in age; sampling continued in thefall and spring through spring 1994. Animaldensities were measured within the vegetation at twoelevations using an enclosure sampler. In the fall of1992, 4 months following the planting of the 92Marsh,densities of most marsh organisms were lower in thismarsh compared with the older two marshes. Significantly lower densities were observed fordominant crustaceans (including three species of grassshrimps, two species of commercially-important penaeidshrimps, thinstripe hermit crabs Clibanarius vittatus,and juvenile blue crabs Callinectes sapidus), adominant fish (Gobionellus boleosoma), and thedominant mollusc (Littoraria irrorata). By the fallof 1993, however, densities of most nekton specieswere similar among the three created salt marshes. Incontrast, reduced densities of less mobile epifauna(C. vittatusand L. irrorata) persisted in the 92Marshthroughout the 2 years of sampling. The patterns ofnekton utilization exhibited in these marshes suggestthat the 92Marsh reached its maximum habitat supportfunction for these animals in less than 1 year. Comparisons of the older marshes with natural marshesin the bay system, however, suggest that all three ofthese created marshes are functioning at lower levelsthan natural marshes in terms of supporting productionof commercially important fishery species such aspenaeid shrimps and C. sapidus.
Keywords:created  developmental trajectory  fisheries  habitat value  nekton  salt marsh  Spartina  transplant
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