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Root Growth and Water Uptake by Maize Plants in Drying Soil
Authors:SHARP, R. E.   DAVIES, W. J.
Abstract:Sharp, R. E and Da vies, W. J. 1985. Root growth and water uptakeby maize plants in drying soil.— J. exp. Bot. 36: 1441–1456. The influence of soil drying on maize (Zea mays L.) root distributionand use of soil water was examined using plants growing in thegreenhouse in soil columns. The roots of plants which were wateredwell throughout the 18 d experimental period penetrated thesoil profile to a depth of 60 cm while the greatest percentageof total root length was between 20–40 cm. High soil waterdepletion rates corresponded with these high root densities.Withholding water greatly restricted root proliferation in theupper part of the profile, but resulted in deeper penetrationand higher soil water depletion rates at depth, compared withthe well watered columns. The deep roots of the unwatered plantsexhibited very high soil water depletion rates per unit rootlength. Key words: Maize, roots, water deficit, soil water depletion
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