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Arachidonic acid-induced hypersensitive cell death as an assay of downy mildew resistance in pearl millet
Affiliation:Downy Mildew Research Laboratory, Department of Studies in Applied Botany, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore 570006, India
Abstract:Arachidonic acid (AA) induces hypersensitive response (HR) on coleoptile/root regions of two-day-old pearl millet seedlings. The response is comparable to the HR induced by the downy mildew pathogen, Sclerospora graminicola. A time gap in the appearance of cell necrosis among genotypes of pearl millet was related to the degree of resistance to downy mildew. Based on the time required for the development of necrotic spots induced by AA, the pearl millet genotypes were categorised as highly resistant/resistant (HR in 3–6 h), susceptible (HR in 7–12 h) and highly susceptible (HR in 13 h and above). The percentage disease incidence in each genotype was compared with the time required for the development of AA-induced HR. The appearance of hypersensitive cell necrosis was rapid in genotypes having high resistance to downy mildew and was slow in genotypes with high susceptibility. This simple method of screening various pearl millet genotypes in the absence of the pathogen aids in identifying the downy mildew resistant/susceptible host cultivars without the risk of introducing the virulent race of the pathogen.
Keywords:Arachidonic acid    hypersensitive response    Pennisetum glaucutn    screening tech
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