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Influence of UV-B radiation on bacterial activity in coastal waters
Authors:Gustavson, Kim   Garde, Kristine   Wangberg, Sten-Ake   Selmer, Johanne-Sophie
Affiliation:1 The International Agency for 14C Determination, VKI, Agern Allé 11, DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark, 2 Department of Plant Physiology, University of Göteborg, Box 461 SE 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden and 3 Department of General and Marine Microbiology, University of Göteborg, Medicinaregatan 9 c, S-413 90 Göteborg, Sweden
Abstract:The impact of UV-B radiation (290–315 nm) on bacterialactivity and abundance in coastal water was studied in mesocosmexperiments in May 1994 and May 1995 at Kristineberg MarineResearch Station, Sweden. Mesocosms (6 m3) containing naturalpelagic communities were exposed either to ambient irradiation(AMB), ambient irradiation with enhanced UV-B (+UV) (0.7 W m–24 h every day around noon), or ambient irradiation screenedfor UV-B (–UV). Bacterial activity in the mesocosms wasmeasured by means of thymidine incorporation in short-term testsduring incubations at ambient irradiation, at ambient irradiationwith enhanced UV-B, and at ambient irradiation screened forUV-B. In +UV mesocosms, bacterial activity was significantlystimulated when incubated at ambient radiation. The stimulatingeffect was suggested to be due to an increase in carbon or nutrientsupply through a photodegradation of recalcitrant dissolvedorganic material (DOM). Low attenuation coefficients for UV-Band PAR (400–700 nm) in the +UV mesocosms supported thishypothesis. The bacterial activity in +UV mesocosms, however,was inhibited when incubations were made at enhanced UV-B irradiation,implying that the bacteria had become more sensitive to UV-Bradiation. The increased sensitivity to UV-B exposure in bacterialassemblages that already had been exposed and stressed by UV-Bradiation is suggested to be due to an overburdening of theenergy-consuming DNA repair mechanism. The data suggest thatincreased UV-B radiation, which might occur with ozone depletion,may both stimulate and suppress bacterial activity in coastalwaters, implying that the net outcome of enhanced UV-B radiationcould be an unchanged bacterial activity.
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