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Soil organic carbon dynamics: variability with depth in forested and deforested soils under pasture in Costa Rica
Authors:Douwe van Dam  Nico van Breemen  Edzo Veldkamp
Affiliation:(1) Department of Soil Science and Geology, Wageningen Agricultural University, P.O. Box 37, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands;(2) Institut füur Bodenkunde und Waldernährung, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
Abstract:Dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) inchronosequences of soils below forests that had beenreplaced by grazed pastures 3–25 years ago, wereinvestigated for two contrasting soil types (AndicHumitropept and Eutric Hapludand) in the Atlantic Zoneof Costa Rica. By forest clearing and subsequentestablishment of pastures, photosynthesis changes froma C-3 to a C-4 pathway. The accompanying changes inC-input and its delta13C and 14Csignals, were used to quantify SOC dynamics. C-input from rootturnover at a pasture site was measured by sequentialharvesting and 14C-pulse labelling. With aspatial resolution of 5 cm, data on total SOC,delta13C and delta14C of soil profileswere interpreted with a model that distinguishes threepools of SOC: lsquoactiversquo C, lsquoslowrsquo C and lsquopassiversquo C,each with a 1-st order decomposition rate(ka, ks and kp). The modelincludes carbon isotope fractionation and depth-dependentdecomposition rates. Transport of C between soillayers was described as a diffusion process, whichaccounts for physical and biotic mixing processes.Calibrated diffusion coefficients were 0.42 cm2yr-1 for the Humitropept and 3.97 cm2yr-1 for the Hapludand chronosequence.Diffusional transport alone was insufficient foroptimal simulation; it had to be augmented bydepth-dependent decomposition rates to explain thedynamics of SOC, delta13C anddelta14C. Decomposition rates decreasedstrongly with depth. Upon increased diffusion,differences between calibrated decomposition rates ofSOC fractions between surface soils and subsoilsdiminished, but the concept of depth-dependentdecomposition had to be retained, to obtain smallresiduals between observed and simulated data. At areference depth of 15–20 cm ks was 90 yr-1in the Humitropept and 146 yr-1 in the Hapludand.Slow C contributed most to total organic C in surfacesoils, whereas passive C contributed most below 40 cmdepth. After 18–25 years of pasture, net loss of C was2180 g C m-2 for the Hapludand and 150 g m-2for the Humitropept soil.
Keywords:13  14C  land use change  model  soil organic carbon  tropical forest
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