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Temporal and spatial distribution of malaria within an agricultural settlement of the Brazilian Amazon
Authors:Fábio Saito Monteiro de Barros  Nildimar Alves Honório  Mércia Eliane Arruda
Affiliation:1. Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil;2. Laboratório de Transmissores de Hematozoários, Departamento de Entomologia, Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil;3. Laboratório de Imunoepidemiologia, Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalh?es, Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz, Recife, PE, Brazil
Abstract:Malaria has reemerged in tropical regions with rapid population growth and deforestation. The dynamics of malaria transmission in agricultural settlements of the Amazon have been poorly defined. We studied the spatial distribution of malaria incidence in Roraima, Brazil, using multi regression analysis on 12 parameters that described social, housing, and behavioral variables. Malaria cases were associated with the proximity of Anopheles darlingi breeding sites, the main vector in these areas. During the dry season, transmission was enhanced near a temporary river. Cases occurred throughout the year near fish‐farming dams. Epidemiological models derived from urban or riverine malaria are probably inadequate for describing disease transmission in agricultural settlements, where cases are clustered near breeding sites, while the majority of the population remains unaffected. Identification of these areas, associated with residual insecticide spraying or surveillance, may considerably decrease the costs of control efforts.
Keywords:Mosquitoes  malaria  seasonality  epidemiology  Anopheles darlingi  larval habitats
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