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Book Notes
Abstract:The Systems of Land Tenure in the Kikuyu Land Unit . H. E. L ambert
Hawaiian Antiquities (Moolelo Hawaii ). D avid M alo
Navaho Means People . L eonard M c C ombe , E von Z. V ogt , and C lyde K luckhohn
Paradox and Nirvana . R obert L awson S later
The North American Buffalo. A Critical Study of the Species in Its Wild State . F rank G ilbert R oe
The Wulfing Plates: Products of Prehistoric Americans . V irginia D rew W atson
The Medora Site. West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana . G eorge I. Q uimby
The Crable Site, Fulton County, Illinois. A Late Prehistoric Site in the Central Illinois Valley . H ale G illiam S mith
Archaeology of the Columbia-Fraser Region . M arian W. S mith
Cattle Point: A Stratified Site in the Southern Northwest Coast Region . A rden R. K ing
Hyperbrachycephaly as Influenced by Cultural Conditioning . J. F ranklin E wing
Surgery of the Shoulder . A. F. D e P alma
The Mark of Oppression, A Psychological Study of the American Negro . A bram K ardiner and L ionel O vesey
Race Relations: The Interaction of Ethnic Groups . B rewton B erry
The Sociology of Georg Simmel . Translated, edited, and with an introduction by K urt H. W olff
Social Behavior and Personality: Contributions of W. I. Thomas to Theory and Social Research . Edited by E dmund H. V olkart
Handbook of Latin American Studies : 1948, No. 14. F rancisco A guilera , ed
Area Studies in American Universities . W endell C. B ennett
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