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Immunocytochemistry of myoepithelial cells in the salivary glands
Authors:Ogawa Yuzo

Department of Oral Pathology Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry 1-8 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan

Abstract:MECs are distributed on the basal aspect of the intercalated duct and acinus of human and rat salivary glands. However, they do not occur in the acinus of rat parotid glands, and sometimes occur in the striated duct of human salivary glands. MECs, as the name implies, have structural features of both epithelial and smooth muscle cells. They contract by autonomic nervous stimulation, and are thought to assist the secretion by compressing and/or reinforcing the underlying parenchyma. MECs can be best observed by immunocytochemistry. There are three types of immunocytochemical markers of MECs in salivary glands. The first type includes smooth muscle protein markers such as -SMA, SMMHC, h-caldesmon and basic calponin, and these are expressed by MECs and the mesenchymal vasculature. The second type is expressed by MECs and the duct cells and includes keratins 14, 5 and 17, 1β1 integrin, and metallothionein. Vimentin is the third type and, in addition to MECs, is expressed by the mesenchymal cells and some duct cells. The same three types of markers are used for studying the developing gland.

Development of MECs starts after the establishment of an extensively branched system of cellular cords each of which terminates as a spherical cell mass, a terminal bud. The pluripotent stem cell generates the acinar progenitor in the terminal bud and the ductal progenitor in the cellular cord. The acinar progenitor differentiates into MECs, acinar cells and intercalated duct cells, whereas the ductal progenitor differentiates into the striated and excretory duct cells. Both in the terminal bud and in the cellular cord, the immediate precursors of all types of the epithelial cells appear to express vimentin. The first identifiable MECs are seen at the periphery of the terminal bud or the immature acinus (the direct progeny of the terminal bud) as somewhat flattened cells with a single cilium projecting toward them. They express vimentin and later -SMA and basic calponin. At the next developmental stage, MECs acquire cytoplasmic microfilaments and plasmalemmal caveolae but not as much as in the mature cell. They express SMMHC and, inconsistently, K14. This protein is consistently expressed in the mature cell. K14 is expressed by duct cells, and vimentin is expressed by both mesenchymal and epithelial cells.

After development, the acinar progenitor and the ductal progenitor appear to reside in the acinus/intercalated duct and the larger ducts, respectively, and to contribute to the tissue homeostasis. Under unusual conditions such as massive parenchymal destruction, the acinar progenitor contributes to the maintenance of the larger ducts that result in the occurrence of striated ducts with MECs. The acinar progenitor is the origin of salivary gland tumors containing MECs. MECs in salivary gland tumors are best identified by immunocytochemistry for -SMA. There are significant numbers of cells related to luminal tumor cells in the non-luminal tumor cells that have been believed to be neoplastic MECs.

Keywords:acinar progenitor   -SMA   calponin   ductal progenitor   immunocytochemistry   keratin 14   marker molecules   MEC development   myoepithelial cells (MEC)   salivery glands   slivary gland tumors   tissue homeostasis   vimentin
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