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Mucilage in Cacti: Its Apoplastic Capacitance, Associated Solutes, and Influence on Tissue 5
Abstract:Mucilage content in the stems of four sympatric cactus speciesvaried from none for Ferocactus acanthodes, 19% by dry weightfor Opuntia basilaris, 26% for Opuntia acanthocarpa, and 35%for Echinocereus engelmannii. Although the mucilage differedchemically among the species (the arabinose content ranged from17% to 51% of the sugar monomers), its relative capacitance(change in relative water content per unit change in water potential)remained about 15 Mpa–1. The relative capacitance of thewater-storage parenchyma averaged 1·04 Mpa–1 andwas consistent with the mucilage content, being lowest for F.acanthodes and highest for E. engelmannii. Mucilage isolatedfrom hydrated tissue was accompanied by solutes with an osmoticpressure of about 0·2 MPa. Such associated solutes influencethe water-release characteristics of mucilage and hence itsrole as an apoplastic capacitor. In particular, extracellularsolutes can facilitate the release of appreciable mucilage-boundwater to the cells at tissue water potentials occurring duringthe initial phases of drought. Key words: Echinocereus engelmannii, Ferocactus acanthodes, Opuntia acanthocarpa, Opuntia basilaris, water potential isotherms
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