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Radiographical study of skull fragment of Venta Micena (VM-0) (Orce, Granada Spain)
Authors:D. Campillo  M. Rovira  J. A. Sánchez-Sánchez  S. Vila  J. Gibert  L. Gibert
Affiliation:1. “Universitat Autònoma”, Barcelona, Spain
2. “Centro de Radiología Computarizada” (C.N.C.) of Barcelona, Spain
3. Legal Medicine in the Forensic School of the Medical Faculty in the “Universidad Complutense de Madrid”, Madrid, Spain
4. “SANITAS”, Barcelona, Spain
5. “Institut Paleontològic Dr. Miquel Crusafont” in Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain
6. Q.S. “L’Alian?a”, Barcelona, Spain
Abstract:Since 1983, the Orce skull has been a polemic piece. The last article which refuses the human affinity of VM-0 is based on the presence of a supposed coronalis suture in VM-0 situated at 40mm of lambda point (Moyà-Solà &; Khöler 1997). This would imply that VM-0 belonged to a very small skull not possible in human genus. The present detailed x-ray study which includes: “classic x-ray”, digital x-ray, macro x-ray and computerized tomography, proves definitively the not presence of coronalis suture in VM-0 and demonstrate that all interpretations based on the presence of coronalis suture are a great mistake. Also this study shows different characters which prove the human affinity of VM-0: presence of a wide sulcus sagittalis (9mm), the print of the superior sinus sagittalis where drained venous blood of a big brain is not possible in a colt whose brain size is similar to that of sheep. We consider that the visual inspection is not enough in human Palaeontology and it is incorrect to not apply the different tests which permit proving or refusing the different subjective impressions.
Keywords:Orce man   Homo species   computerized radiography  digital radiography  scientists mistakes   sinus sagittalis superior
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