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Effect of Vanadate on Microsomal ATPase Activity, Acidification of the Medium and Auxin-stimulated Growth in Pea and Cucumber
Authors:BRUMMELL, D. A.   HALL, J. L.
Affiliation:Department of Biology Building 44, The University, Southampton, S09 5NH, UK
Abstract:The relationship between ATPase activity, medium acidificationand auxin-stimulated growth in segments of pea stem (Pisum sativumL., cv. Alaska) and cucumber hypocotyl (Cucumis sativus L.,cv. Long Green Ridge) was investigated using sodium orthovanadate,widely used as a selective inhibitor of plasma membrane-associatedATPase activity. ATPase activity of cucumber microsomal preparationswas about seven times lower than similar preparations from pea(on a mg microsomal protein basis) and was much more effectivelyinhibited by vanadate. Similarly, acidification of the mediumby abraded cucumber segments occurred to a lesser extent thanwith pea and showed a greater inhibition by vanadate. Both growthin controls and auxin-stimulated growth of cucumber segmentswere strongly inhibited by vanadate, whereas in pea auxin-stimulatedgrowth was reduced by only half and controls showed little inhibition.Acidification of the medium by segments of both species wasfound to occur readily even in controls and showed little promotionin the presence of IAA, although growth in both species wasrapidly and significantly promoted by IAA. These results indicatethat acidification is brought about by a plasma membrane-associatedATPase, and suggest that while acidification is an essentialfactor for auxin-stimulated growth it may not be the mechanismby which the growth rate is controlled. ATPase, Cucumis sativus, indole-3-acetic acid, Pisum sativum, vanadate
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