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Effects of grazing and damselfish territoriality on internal bioerosion of dead corals : indirect effects
Affiliation:1. Department of Microbiology, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, United States;2. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, United States;3. Thermal Biology Institute, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, United States;4. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, United States;5. Department of Microbiology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, United States
Abstract:An experiment was performed on Britomart Reef, Great Barrier Reef (central region), to determine the relationship between fish grazing, damselfish territoriality, and internal bioerosion of dead coral substratum. The damselfish Hemiglyphidodon plagiometopon Bleeker (Pomacentridae) was used for the study because it actively excludes herbivorous fish, particularly scarids and acanthurids, from its territories, creating undergrazed patches in the environment. Its territories simulated conditions of naturally reduced grazing. Freshly killed pieces of the plating coral Pachyseris speciosa Dana were placed under four experimental conditions: (1) within cages, excluding grazing fish; (2) within damselfish territories; (3) beneath shade tops to control for light; and (4) outside damselfish territories, fully exposed to grazers. Internal bioeroders were identified by pattern of substratum excavation and characterization of borings, and were quantified by digitizing x-ray radiographs of the substratum. Three major categories of borers were identified: Cliothosa hancocki Topsent, “other sponges” (of the Cliona viridis Schmidt species complex), and “worms” (including polychaetes and sipunculids). Variations in grazing pressure were found to significantly alter the taxonomic composition of the bioeroder community. Bioerosion by C. hancocki, a boring sponge with large exposed papillae, was found to increase significantly when grazing was reduced within damselfish territories. By contrast, other boring sponges of the C. viridis complex decreased in abundance; they were not affected by higher sedimentation in cages. The response of bioerosion by “worms” was less clear but increased slightly within damselfish territories. This was due primarily to a shift in taxonomic composition and dominance from polychaetes to sipunculids (particularly Cleosiphon aspergillum Quatrefages). The effects of grazing on the internal bioeroder community were often altered or obscured in the caged treatments; this was most likely due to caging artifacts such as increased sedimentation and decreased light. In general, bioerosion rates of the substratum P. speciosa were low in comparison to rates established or estimated for corals with less dense skeletons. Total internal bioerosion rates did not vary significantly with changes in grazing pressure. This study implies that, overall, reduced grazing pressure will lead to production of fine sediments derived from internal bioeroders. Under high grazing pressures, the addition of external bioerosion effected directly by grazers would also produce coarse sediment, resulting in an increase in total bioerosion rates (internal and external) and an increased contribution of both coarse and fine sediments to the reef environment.
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