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Within-island microgeographic variation in the colour pattern of the skink,Chalcides sexlineatus: Pattern and cause
Authors:Richard P. Brown  Roger S. Thorpe
Abstract:The colour pattern of the Gran Canarian skink is described with eight independent colour pattern characters. Significant geographic variation occurs in each character. There are generally high levels of congruence between the patterns of geographic variation in each character although some differences exist. In canonical variate analyses, the first canonical variate expresses most of the among-locality variation in colour pattern, indicating a largely unidimensional pattern. Patterns of geographic variation in the colour pattern are portrayed by contouring. This reveals north-east/south-west clines for seven of the individual characters and the generalized pattern (CV1). Four causal hypotheses were erected which predicted four different unidimensional patterns of geographic variation. Mantel tests and partial correlation analyses were used to compare the observed patterns of microgeographic variation with the four hypothesized patterns. This method suggests differential selection occurring between ecotones as the cause of the microgeographic variation. Microgeographic variation in some aspects of the colour pattern can be explained by selection for different anti-predator strategies in the hot, arid southern areas vs the cooler, lusher northern areas.
Keywords:Colour pattern  Chalcides  ecogenesis  geographic variation  hypothesis testing  Mantel tests  tail colour
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