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Ovule Development and Determination of Seed Number Per Pod in Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.)
Authors:BOUTTIER, C.   MORGAN, D. G.
Abstract:Seed number per pod at maturity over the terminal raceme ofsingle plants of oilseed rape is closely correlated to the percentageof ovules with complete embryo sacs (ovule fertility) at floweropening. Approximately one-third of the ovules did not containan embryo sac and sterility, due to the absence of embryo sac,accounted for most of the difference between the numbers ofovules and seeds. Within the terminal raceme, both a decreasedproportion of fertile ovules and a lower number of ovules perovary in apical flowers contributed to the lower number of seedsper pod in the mature apical pods compared to the basal ones.A study of ovule development before flower opening showed thatdifferences in the differentiation of the embryo sacs arosebefore the buds were 40 mm long and probably involved the stagesof meiosis II and/or differentiation of the chalazal megaspore. Key words: Oilseed rape, ovule development, seed number per pod
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