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Changes in protein quantities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and Rubisco activase in various wheat genotypes
Affiliation:Institute of Botany, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 40 Patamdar Shosse, AZ-1073 Baku, Azerbaijan
Abstract:In early seedlings of wheat genotypes two isoforms of Rubisco activase with molecular weights of 42 and 46 kDa are expressed. Amounts of both isoforms significantly increase in early seedlings of the durum wheat genotype Barakatli-95 exposed to salt stress. But at the beginning of the tillering stage, the changes in quantities of both RCA isoforms are different in durum and bread wheat genotypes subjected to a 3-day drought stress. In the leaves of the early seedlings of the studied wheat genotypes exposed to drought stress quantities of PEPC subunits increase compared to the control but they remain relatively stable in early roots and germinating seeds. However, quantities of its subunits decrease sharply in roots and germinating seeds of early seedlings under the influence of 100 mM NaCl. In flag leaves and ear elements of the Barakatli-95 genotype grown under normal water supply conditions protein quantities of PEPC subunits change differently depending on time. Changes in protein quantities of RCA, PEPC and Rubisco enzymes have been studied comparatively in ear elements and flag leaves after the fourth day of anthesis.
Keywords:Rubisco activase  Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase  Drought  Salt  Wheat
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