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Variance in female responses to the fine structure of male song in the field cricket, Gryllus integer
Authors:Hedrick, Ann   Weber, Theo
Affiliation:aNeurobiology, Physiology and Behavior, University of California Davis, CA 95616, USA bMax-Planck-Institut für Verhaltensphysiologie Abteilung Huber, Seewiesen, Germany
Abstract:Although female mating preferences are a focus of current controversy,little detailed information exists on female preferences withinnatural populations. In the field cricket Gryllus integer, malecalls attract sexually receptive females, and females preferentiallymove toward male calls with longer calling bouts (periods ofcalling containing no pause greater than 0.10 s in real time).This study investigated female preferences for other variablesof the male song, including syllable period, chirp pause, andnumber of syllables per chirp. Male song was measured in thefield to determine mean values for each variable in nature.Female preferences were determined using a locomotor-compensatordevice, on which females ran in response to sequential playbacksof synthesized male song. Mean female preferences correspondedroughly to mean male song variables. Nonetheless, females variedgreatly in their responses to synthesized calls differing insyllable period, syllable number, and chirp pause. Moreover,individual females who were more selective for any one variablealso tended to be more selective for others. These results showthat females may differ from one another in their mating preferencesand degrees of selectivity, even within a single population.
Keywords:crickets   female mating preferences   Gryllus integer   mate recognition   phonotaxis   song.
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