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Rubidium Chloride Fuses Split Circadian Activity Rhythms in Hamsters Housed in Bright Constant Light
Authors:John Hallonquist   Monika Lindegger  N. Mrosovsky
Affiliation: a Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canadab Department of Psychiatry, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canadac Departments of Psychiatry, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canadad Departments of Zoology, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canadae Departments of Psychology and Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Abstract:Chronotypic effects of rubidium (Rb) were examined in hamsters whose circadian activity rhythms had split into two components while they were housed in bright constant light. Seven of 12 hamsters receiving RbCl in drinking water for 10 weeks showed fusing of the components into an intact rhythm compared with none of 7 control hamsters (p = 0.016). Rb may modify coupling between circadian oscillators via reduced photic input to the suprachiasmatic nuclei. Alternative mechanisms include changes in potassium metabolism or endocrine function or behavioral changes that in turn alter circadian function. This normalization of a circadian anomaly by a putative antidepressant suggests that Rb may be valuable in strengthening coupling between oscillators in cases of human chronopathology, including those implicated in the etiology of some affective disorders.
Keywords:Circadian rhythm  Split rhythm  Rubidium chloride  Antidepressant  Affective disorder  Circadian dysfunction
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