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Effect of alcoholic extracts of wild plants on the inhibition of growth of Aspergillus flavus,Aspergillus niger,Penicillium chrysogenum,Penicillium expansum,Fusarium moniliforme and Fusarium poae moulds
Authors:Tequida-Meneses Martín  Cortez-Rocha Mario  Rosas-Burgos Ema Carina  López-Sandoval Susana  Corrales-Maldonado Consuelo
Affiliation:Departamento de Investigación y Posgrado en Alimentos, Universidad de Sonora, Unidad Centro, Apartado postal 1658, 83000-Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. mtequida@guayacan.uson.mx
Abstract:Fungicidal activity of wild plants Larrea tridentata, Karwinskia humboldtiana, Ricinus communis, Eucalyptus globulus, Ambrosia ambrosioides, Nicotiana glauca, Ambrosia confertiflora, Datura discolor, Baccharis glutinosa, Proboscidea parviflora, Solanum rostratum, Jatropha cinerea, Salpianthus macrodonthus y Sarcostemma cynanchoides was evaluated against the moulds species Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium chrysogenum, Penicillium expansum, Fusarium poae y Fusarium moniliforme moulds species. Alcoholic extracts 6% (w/v) were prepared using six grams of dried plant powders (leaves and stems) and alcohol (70% ethanol or 70% methanol). A spore suspension (1x10(6); ufc/ml) of each mould was prepared by adding saline solution (0.85%) and 0.1% tween 80. The extracts were mixed with Czapeck yeast agar (CYA) at 45-50 degrees C in 1:10 relation on Petri dishes. Triplicate Petri dishes of each treatment and for each mould were centrally inoculated and three Petri dishes were used without treatment as controls. The inoculated dishes and controls were incubated at 25 +/- 2 degrees C for eight days. The incubated dishes were examined each 48 h and after the colony diameter (radial growth) was measured. Two mould species were controlled by L. tridentata, B. glutinosa and P. parviflora. Extracts of L. tridentata in methanol or ethanol at 41.5-100% inhibited all six species of moulds.
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