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Detecting major genetic loci controlling phenotypic variability in experimental crosses
Authors:Rönnegård Lars  Valdar William
Affiliation:*Statistics Unit, Dalarna University, SE-781 70 Borlänge, Sweden and;Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-7265
Abstract:Traditional methods for detecting genes that affect complex diseases in humans or animal models, milk production in livestock, or other traits of interest, have asked whether variation in genotype produces a change in that trait’s average value. But focusing on differences in the mean ignores differences in variability about that mean. The robustness, or uniformity, of an individual’s character is not only of great practical importance in medical genetics and food production but is also of scientific and evolutionary interest (e.g., blood pressure in animal models of heart disease, litter size in pigs, flowering time in plants). We describe a method for detecting major genes controlling the phenotypic variance, referring to these as vQTL. Our method uses a double generalized linear model with linear predictors based on probabilities of line origin. We evaluate our method on simulated F2 and collaborative cross data, and on a real F2 intercross, demonstrating its accuracy and robustness to the presence of ordinary mean-controlling QTL. We also illustrate the connection between vQTL and QTL involved in epistasis, explaining how these concepts overlap. Our method can be applied to a wide range of commonly used experimental crosses and may be extended to genetic association more generally.QUANTITATIVE trait locus (QTL) analysis has traditionally focused on detection of major genes controlling the expected mean of a phenotype. But there is substantial evidence that not only the mean but also the variance, that is, the stochastic variability of the phenotype about its average value, may itself be under genetic control. The identification of such variance-controlling loci, which we call vQTL, can be helpful in a variety of contexts, including selection of livestock for uniformity, evaluating predictability of response to medical treatment, identification of key biomolecular stabilizers, and assessment of population resilience in ecology and evolution.One way of interpreting an increase in variability is as a decrease in stability. Waddington (1942) described the concept of canalization, whereby natural selection favors the relative constancy of some attributes, for example, well-formed organs and limbs, and thereby leads to the evolution of heritable architectures that buffer the impact of environmental or background genetic variation that would otherwise cause development to go astray. These architectures create virtual “canals” down which developmental programs flow. For a canalized phenotype, which modern usage expands to include nondevelopmental traits, the “zone of canalization” is the range of underlying liability over which potentially disruptive variation may be absorbed without serious consequence to the expressed trait value (Lynch and Walsh 1998). A well-studied example of a stabilizing architecture is that provided by heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90), which buffers genetic and stochastic variation in the development of plants and flies (Rutherford and Lindquist 1998; Queitsch et al. 2002; Sangster et al. 2008).But in absorbing variation, such stabilizing architectures also hide it from view, and a sensitizing change in the stabilizer that shifts liability outside the zone of canalization can have a dramatic effect on the phenotype. Such shifts release the combined effects of previously “cryptic” genetic variation: now decanalized, the phenotype is more sensitive to internal (including genetic) and external environment, and as a result varies more greatly between individuals (Dworkin 2005; Hornstein and Shomron 2006). In this vein, decanalization has been proposed to explain why the genetic architectures of some diseases in human populations seem more amenable than others to genetic dissection through genome-wide association (Gibson and Goldstein 2007). Specifically, whereas some disease phenotypes in homogeneous populations may be heavily canalized and thereby harder to dissect, others may have been decanalized by modern living conditions (e.g., inflammatory diseases) or modern admixture, while yet others are simply too recent in evolutionary history for buffering networks to have evolved (e.g., response to HIV).Increased variability can also be adaptive. In natural populations disruptive selection favors diversity, with increased “capacitance” (Rice 2008) or “bet-hedging” (Beaumont et al. 2009) spreading risk over a variable fitness landscape. Feinberg and Irizarry (2010) recently proposed a heritable and selectable mechanism for this based on stochastic epigenetic variation. In controlled populations, variability can be increased through directional selection. For example, in a Drosophila selection experiment Clayton and Robertson (1957) reported increased bristle number variance, which is consistent with the idea that genotypes associated with higher environmental variance have a greater chance of being selected under directional selection (Hill and Zhang 2004). Moreover, genetic differences have been observed for phenotypic variability in body weight for chickens (Rowe et al. 2006) and snails (Ros et al. 2004) and litter size in rabbits (Ibanez-Escriche et al. 2008), sheep (Sancristobal-Gaudy et al. 1998), and pigs (Sorensen and Waagepetersen 2003).In natural populations with stabilizing selection we should expect to find alleles minimizing variance for fitness traits (Lande 1980; Houle 1992), whereas directional selection during domestication will favor alleles that increase variance. One may therefore expect to find vQTL in experimental crosses between wild and domestic animals (see Andersson 2001). Nonetheless, genetic buffering that leads to phenotypic robustness need not require an evolutionary explanation to be observed, nor to be useful in medicine and agriculture. Plainly, detecting vQTL and inferring how they arose are separate questions; here we concentrate on the first.
Sources of phenotypic variability
Variance groupaDecanalization (epistasis)Environmental sensitivityTemporal fluctuationMeasurement error
Genetically distinct individuals with same allele at a vQTLb
Genetically identical individuals
Same individual at different times
Same individual at the same time
Open in a separate windowaThe group in which variance is assessed, and between which variance is compared.bThe variance groups compared here.Few studies have explicitly looked for vQTL. Among the more recent, Ordas et al. (2008) studied morphological traits and flowering time in maize. They detected vQTL by contrasting the residual variance between genotypes in replicates of recombinant inbred lines (RILs; see second row, Wittenburg et al. (2009) examined the sample variance of birth weight within pig litters as a gamma-distributed trait among 3914 sows, estimating a heritability of 0.1 for this trait using a generalized linear mixed model. Sangster et al. (2008) used Levene''s test for detection of variance-controlling genes. In that test, the absolute values of the residuals are used as a response in an ANOVA (e.g., Faraway 2004). Mackay and Lyman (2005) studied Drosophila bristle number and found substantial differences in the coefficient of variation (CV) between inbred lines, comparing CV also using ANOVA. The methods used in these last two studies have the limitation of not being able to model confounding effects in the mean. Using residuals (as in Sangster et al. 2008; Wittenburg et al. 2009) can potentially incorporate covariates but involves conditioning on unknowns. There is thus considerable utility in a method that simultaneously estimates means and variances, flexibly accommodates covariates, applies to a wide range of experimental crosses, and is robust and fast enough for genome-wide analyses.Regression-based models (Haley and Knott 1992; Martinez and Curnow 1992) have proven to be fast and powerful at detecting QTL controlling the mean of a complex trait in experimental crosses and flexible since they are straightforwardly extended to include epistatic effects and interactions (Carlborg and Haley 2004). Mott et al. (2000) developed the haplotype reconstruction method HAPPY and its associated regression model, which allows for a variable number of strains and may therefore be applied to vQTL mapping in, e.g., heterogeneous stocks (HS; Valdar et al. 2006,b) and multiparent advanced generation inbred cross resource populations (MAGIC lines; Cavanagh et al. 2008) such as the collaborative cross (CC; Churchill et al. 2004; Broman 2005; Valdar et al. 2006a; Chesler et al. 2008) and the Arabidopsis recombinant inbred lines of Kover et al. (2009).Our aim is to develop a regression model for detection of major genes controlling phenotypic variance that can be applied genome wide. The estimation uses double generalized linear models (DGLMs; Smyth 1989) and its parameterization is based on the HAPPY formulation of inferred haplotypes. The method fits ordinary QTL and vQTL simultaneously in the same model. We apply it to simulated data from an F2 and the CC and real data from an F2 intercross of partially inbred lines.
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